C.H.E.R.U.B: Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Loopty: yes~!! moments ago in fact, which is why it brought me here~!!

Loona: just saying, the front door would've gotten you here just fine.

Brief: yeah, you can go and sit on the couch Loona, me and the others will handle this.

Loopty: he's right~! which is why i want all of you to kill this man!! *holds the photo to Blitz*

Blitz: not even a shit's length in hell and already plotting revenge?

Brief: i can respect a man with that sort of passion! *makes his tail appear and whips around in excitement* i'm Brief, that's Blitz, Millie, and Moxxie!

Moxxie: ...guys...help....

Brief: speaking of him, Blitz...you handle this! *goes to help Moxxie*

Blitz: okay, tell us, what did he do to you?

Loopty: he was...my business partner! you see, i wasn't always an old man...

As Loopty explains his story, Brief helps Moxxie out of the rubble.

Moxxie: whew...thanks Brief.

Brief: anytime.

Blitz: y-you know Poopty—

Loopty: LOOPTY!!

Blitz: of course, of course! if he does ends up down here, you will be stuck with him...forever.

Loopty: oh trust me, *brings out his weapons* i'm counting on it.

Moxxie: that's kinda hot.

Brief: alright, i'll get the weapons ready and loaded, Chuck & Fastener, i need you two to stay here and don't do anything crazy.

Blitz: good hustle kid!!

Later....in the living world, Brief and the imps are in disguises and hiding in some bushes, Brief just wears a sweater with hoodie over his short jacket and red shirt to hide his face.

Moxxie: gee, i wonder who lives here.

Brief: it's obvious, Lyle's in there.

Blitz: you heard him, let's do it gang!

The gang gets their weapons out expect Brief and they head to the window to look inside to see Lyle Lipton on the bed holding a photo.

Moxxie: wow, that machine really did a number on him.

Brief: honestly....i can't believe he's still alive from that.

They saw Lyle tying up the I.V & he's about to hang himself.

Blitz: oh look at that, he's doing the work for us.

Moxxie: should we...go and make it tighter for him or....?

Brief: nah, this'll be a easy job for us.

As the gang watches Lyle about to put the tied I.V over his neck, it glowed and lets out a huge shockwave, making it disappear and sending the gang expect Brief away.

Brief(thinking): what was that? that felt....heavenly.

Blitz: who the fuck are they?

Moxxie: oh no...sir, those are—

Brief: the Cherubs! they must be here for Lyle.

Blitz: oh hellllll no!! *bust theough the window* don't listen to th—*falls to the ground face first*

Moxxie: *opens the door* Lyle Lipton, it is our...*looks at Blitz* ....humble opinion that you should continue the process to commit die.

Brief: i think the word is "suicide."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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