Three | 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

Start from the beginning

So instead, she just laid there, all wet, sweaty, and filthy from the earth below in exhausting as she just waited for some miracle to happen and save them both from fate that might turn out worse than death. Like some Shakespeare book that would make an example out of a girl like her that refuses to give in to her overbearing mother's demands and dies in the woods later because of her hardheadedness. At least something like that, something was going to kill them, and it might just be the temperature first for the chill that rushed over her back was body shaking. There might be a chance that they die out here. All alone with no one around to find their bodies. That was sadder than her current position in life now, the two of them will end up as some wild animals' meal for the day if they never make it out of here and the only thing, she could say she carried out in life was nothing but becoming the biggest loser out of everyone else. She had no degrees to back up her accomplishments, had no job, and her Fiancée cheated on her with her cousin. She had quite a life even with it being short and that poor child had it even worse. They didn't get to experience the love of having parents take care of them, and they didn't even get to experience their firsts in life either. They got nothing, but at least she got something so should she really be upset when there was someone that got it so much worse than her? No, a deeper part within her wants to think 'no.'

She wasn't going to be walking anymore, her legs sore and her body tired from all the excessive strain she had been putting on them, so she decided that it was time to at least hold the child. Her own smile, while tired plaster across her face as she held the excited bundle of joy...She thought she would have a child with Sam, three. Just three for she didn't know if she could handle anymore, but obviously that was never going to happen. Her hopes and dreams were crushed months ago, but this little thing didn't fail to bring them back full force alongside some tears that she had thought dried up a long time ago. All she could do was make herself comfortable, with the moss on the tree cushioning her back she got herself situated with the child in her arms...If she woke up after this than she would surely get them to some safety, but after this she just had to close her eyes. She needed too for this was too far too much strain on her mind and body.


When she first opened her eyes, she expected to see the cloudy blue skies of the forest. Expected her back to be soaked from the moisture of the moss she laid up against, and her chest to be heavy with the child she had laid upon it. She did not expect to see a ceiling or the ear screeching screams of a newborn child, she didn't expect the nice soft couch to be touching her back and she didn't expect the warmth of the air and blankets surrounding her to be there either. She patted her chest, the child nowhere to be found, but when she opened her eyes, the bassinet laid merely a few inches from where her face was...the child wasn't there either. Not on her chest, not laying between her legs, or inside the bassinet where they technically were supposed to be in the first place. Somebody has that damn child! She swung her legs off the couch and onto the floor, a loud thump from her feet slamming onto the floor vibrating along the wall as she shoved the blankets and shoved down the pillow behind her head.

"Woah." The voice of man chuckled, not at all surprised with her reactions. He had a smile on his face, hair blonde and eyes a honey gold as he watched her snap her neck towards his direction. In his hands was the unknown child, twisting and turning in his hands as he held tight to avoid dropping them. Their blanket was gone, and the cloth diaper was replaced with some name brands pamper, they looked terribly uncomfortable in their hands so the only thing she could come up with was holding her hands out for the screaming child.

"Give them to me." And while it came out a bit more aggressive than she wanted it too, the man had gladly handed the child over only for them to quiet down within her arms. Red face and teary eyes as they relaxed into her arms. "What were you doing to them?"

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