Chapter Twenty-three : Rookwood Castle

Start from the beginning

Sabrina nodded sternly, feeling the importance and urgency. "Very well sir, I'm on my way." She turned to Fig. "Allow me to change out of my uniform first, and then I'll head there immediately."

Fig nodded back. "I'll see you there."

Sabrina ran as fast as she could back to the common room, barely getting the password out before she was rushing inside. Some students quickly moved out of her way and gave her annoyed looks, but Sabrina paid them no mind. Her only thought was getting to Rookwood Castle as quickly as possible. If the threat was as dire as he said it was—

"Sabrina! There you are!"

She turned around quickly and saw Sebastian rushing towards her. "Hey, I've been thinking—"

"Sebastian, this has to—"

"So remember the triptych in the Undercroft? I've been doing some research and I think I know where the next location is for the next piece," Sebastian continued, blatantly ignoring her. "It's not far from here, I was thinking we could go tonight!"

"Sebastian, I can't."

The freckled boy stopped. His face bunched into one of confusion and also something else Sabrina didn't place right away. "What do you mean you can't?" he asked. "You said we would go find this stuff out together, remember?"

"Yes, I know I did, but tonight I—"

"Then why are you suddenly turning this down?!"

This was new. Sabrina had never seen him this frustrated or upset, or at the very least when he was he never lashed out like this. "Sebastian, I can't tonight. I'm doing something for the Keepers and I have to leave right away!"

"It's always the Keepers!" Sebastian ran a hand through his hair in a fed up manner. She had only seen him do that in the library when they were under stress of being caught. "Fine. Go run to them. I'll just go myself."

Before Sabrina could stop him, Sebastian turned his back and stomped away.

What was that?

As soon as Sabrina had changed into her traveling clothes (she decided to wear the new set she bought in Hogsmeade to fully try them out), she set out towards Feldcroft. Leaving by floo powder by herself was scary, but landed safely outside of town and rushed in the opposite direction up the hill towards the castle.

She heard a lot of metal scrapes and goblins talking, so something was clearly happening inside. The castle itself on the outside seemed well built, with no walls crumbling or any real sign of ruin. As she got closer, she spotted Fig near a few trees. "What's going on here?" she asked.

"Professor Rookwood was right. The place is crawling with Victor Rookwood's lot and Ranrok's Loyalists."

Sabrina already knew this from what Sebastian had shared with her.

"They're working together, all right, but it is not a friendly alliance," Fig continued. "We'll need to find another way in other than the front gate."

Sabrina and Professor Fig set out, seeing an Ashwinder standing guard at the front. Casting her disillusionment, she was able to immobilize him easily and found a path leading around the castle. They came to a goblin camp a ways up the path, and she could hear them talking. "Absurd, isn't it? Ranrok wants us to find the child, but which child?"

"We could take every child we find to Ranrok," another goblin spoke. "Eventually, we may get the right one."

She had a feeling they were talking about her. They too were easily immobilized, allowing Fig and Sabrina to continue forward. Eventually, finding a large crate, they found a way inside the castle by climbing over a spot in the wall. Once they were over the wall, they continued down, still invisible, towards the camp inside.

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