Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Micheal walks closer until he finds Midas again in the walk-in closet, rummaging throw several clothing articles. "I understand that this was allowed by Ma'am Grace, but, are you sure you won't regret it?"

Midas shrugs, even giggling at Micheal's question and expression, "Why would I have any regrets, I'm just going to grab a few drinks, there's not gonna be a crowd since it's still early.... besides, you'll be there too, Mr bodyguard" he adds with a teasing glint before turning back around to his clothes.

"I know,"  Micheal mutters, still unable to mask his concern, "but it's just feeling I have"

Midas sighs exasperatedly before turning back around, he had two different hoodies hanging from his fingers, one was black but carried a brand logo in white, the other was a blindingly bright orange with a green logo "Which one?" He asks and Micheal raises a brow, "I don't want to bother Ava at the moment, so it's your pick" he explains.

Micheal didn't really give it a lot of thought, he liked anything if was black and his own closet was proof of that, he was pointing at the black hoodie almost on reflex.

"I most definitely expected that" he smiles before tossing the orange one somewhere behind himself, walking out of the closet with the black one in hand and Micheal close behind.


Midas climbs out of the car as it came to a stop in front of the club. He waits for Micheal who goes to park the car before coming back to meet the younger in front.

"Two hours" he reminds and Midas nods.

"Certainly!" With that, he takes a grip on the older's unsurprisingly strong bicep and drags him in.


"Oof" Midas shakes his head before blinking violently as if to clear his sight, "I think I'm feeling a little tipsy. But I promise I'm not drunk,” Midas slurs, pointing at Micheal from where he was almost toppling out of his seat if the chairs in the VIP section didn't have high enough arms.

Micheal raises a brow from where he was sat in front of the younger. He had his arms folded against his chest and legs crossed as he shakes his head at the obviously drunk person in front of him.

He giggles when Micheal says nothing, taking that as permission to continue drinking but the older quickly grabs his hand, stopping him from picking the glass up again. Midas whines loudly at that, pulling at his hand to break away from the other's strong hold but Micheal gives him a look that shuts him up immediately, albeit pouting deeply.

He calls for one of the bartenders and asks for him to clear the table, which he did quite quickly. Michael then proceeded to the cashier’s to pay after a commanding 'stay!' at Midas who nods enthusiastically with that drunken grin.

He comes back to find Midas thankfully listened to his order. The younger was still seated, but now his cheek rested against the table.

"It's time to go" Micheal announces on getting back.

Midas lifts his head at the voice and frowns, "I don't want to go home just yet. Can we stay a little longer?" he asks, looking pleadingly at the older.

Michael gave him a brief look before sinking back into his own seat, "Why don't you want to go back home?"

He hears Midas sniff before answering, "Stressful. I don't like it at the dinning room" he replies, shoulders hunching.

Micheal gets an idea of what he meant but he was still curious, and Midas seemed like he had stuff to let out, so he asks, "What do you mean? Do you wanna talk about anything?"

"No." Midas says, but he continues speaking anyways "Dad's gonna be home today, and just thinking of another dinner with Cameron and Byron that's obviously going to end in anger and curses is stressing me out so much," when Midas raises his head again with a sniffle, Micheal was surprised to see a tear falling out of his eye, "You see, I've always just wanted things to be peaceful with the four of us, isn't that how it's supposed to be in a family? I don't understand why they don't get along, and why Dad is always so upset with Byron. Sometimes .... I just wish Mom was still alive, maybe things wouldn't have gotten this bad if she were still here, right?" He asks, continuing almost immediately, "I don't even have anything to compare to a mother's love and comfort because she left when I was still so young, and I'll never understand why she left me with three men who have never gotten along and probably never will. I had no idea how I was handling it with no one to turn to for comfort," he chuckles dryly at that, "Who am I kidding, I handle it by locking myself in my room and crying, but then ..... you're suddenly here and I don't know anything anymore" Micheal was definitely paying attention from the beginning but when he was mentioned, his curiosity piques even higher.

“I kept asking myself, what exactly was it about you that was so alluring, yet annoying to me. Why was I so irritated at the thought of you having someone else. Was it because I felt so relieved with you there the other night that I couldn't go back to my usual ways of coping with the stress? Why did everything feel both in place and out of place with you here? I didn't have any answers, but I did know it all changed when you came. Maybe if you weren't here, my family would continue to be the only problem I have?" He heaves a sigh, probably running out of things to add.

"You mean I am now a part of the problem?" Michael was still unsure of what to make of the whole situation, so he asks again when Midas remains mute, "What do you want me to do then?"

"Quit." Midas answers almost immediately, "I can't focus on anything anymore because of you"

That takes Micheal back more than he would like to admit as he blinks, disbelieving, "You want me to quit my job? Then everything would go back to normal for you? Is that what you want?”

Midas shakes his head so violently at that, his hair flops everywhere around his face, "No!"

“You wanted me to quit just a minute ago though? You don't want anymore? Why?” Micheal asks, a corner of his lips raising unconsciously at the way Midas' brows furrow and his lips pull into a pout as he looked like he was thinking really hard.

"Because...." He pauses, thinking a little more, "Because you're mine now and you can't leave anymore. I- I want you" he confesses and for the second time that night, Micheal feels himself run out of thoughts or things to say as they stared at each other in silence.

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