14. Getting To Know Eachother

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"Just kidding bachon. Stop teasing them na Akshit" Jiya hit Akshit's shoulder and eased the couple.

"Go meet Kevin tomorrow he'll guide you through on what to do and when. Till then, talk to each other and try to understand each other" Kaira said stifling her laugh at the horrified faces of Aryaman and Maitri.

"Hmm" Maitri pinched Aryaman's hand to bring him out of the reverie.

"Yeah yeah" He looked at her angrily and cut the call quickly so he could rub the sore area.

"I didn't know you were such a nazook pari" She bit her lip to control her laughter.

"Nazook pari? Huh? Really?" Sensing his serious mood, she quickly stood up from the bench and created distance between them. He took one step towards her as she rushed behind the bench so he won't catch her.

"Come here I show how nazook pari I am" Aryaman and Maitri ran around the benches as if kids, one enjoying the rush and the other in hopes to teach a lesson.

"Caught you doll" Aryaman held her hand and pulled her to him. Her hands went upto his shoulders as a reflex.

"Am I that anymore?" Aryaman left her hand and pulled her closer by placing it on her back.

"Yupp" She said looking at him teasingly. He ducked his head to her level and tucked her hair behind her ear.


"Uhuh" Her fingers held on to his shirt, not knowing whether it was to hold him close or to push him away. Aryaman placed a kiss on her cheek making her shut her eyes and hug him tightly.

"I haven't even started and look at you all shy" He laughed at her shyness though from inside he had a giddy feeling about being the one who could make her blush.

"Shut up" She moved out of the hug awkwardly and hit his chest. Running a hand through her hair, she fixed her clothes and tried to rub away the blush on her cheeks.

"I don't know how to wipe away a blush but I definitely know how to cause a blush" He deliberately placed another kiss on her cheek, making her flustered about the whole moment.

"Are you flirting with me Mr. Aryaman Ranawat?" She changed the topic of discussion so that all the fuzziness she felt because of him would go.

"What if I am soon to be Mrs. Aryaman Ranawat?" He teased her. He started walking towards a coffee shop with her on his trail.

"Do you really think we are compatible? I mean just think about it" She huffed loudly before giving the waitress her order.

"That I don't know" He shrugged his shoulders and looked elsewhere when his eyes caught a couple sitting beside them, talking.

"Don't tell me you actually want to eavesdrop them" She whisper exclaimed at him, knowing that he was looking where she was looking.

"Uhh" He coughed and sat straightly, ignoring the itch in him to eavesdrop the couple.

"Eavesdropping isn't good" He cleared his throat and called for the waiter and ordered French Fries.

"You sure??" She looked at him cutely with a sweet pout, trying to persuade him into doing something he has never done.

"Maitrii" He called her name sternly.

"Fine daddy" She rolled her eyes and looked outside the coffee shop.

"Let's do one thing, I'll tell you the things that can make you want to leave me and you do the same thing, this way we will atleast cover some space and know that if we ever leave each other it won't be because of the following reasons" She suddenly sat straight backed taking him in surprise.

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