S1 EP2 - The First Cut Is The Deepest

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Bailey looked back down at her interns.

Bailey: Why are you all standing there? Move!

The interns immediately scattered.


Lucas eventually found Matt in the halls.

Lucas: Dr. Willis, you asked for me?

Matt: Dr. Nash, yes, I did. First of all, I thought you'd like to know that Mr. Lewis has been doing well post-op.

Lucas: Oh, that's brilliant. So, uhm, why'd you ask for me?

Matt: Well, Dr. Nash, as you know, I'm a vascular surgeon.

Lucas: And?

Matt: Do you know how many vascular surgeons there are in the United States these days?

Lucas: Uh... no.

Matt: Few. Very few. Around three thousand. Not fewer than all specialties but fewer than the majority. Vascular surgery is not a respected specialty. Do you respect vascular surgery, Dr. Nash?

Lucas: Uh... yes?

Matt: That's a lie. I don't blame you. It's not exciting. No surgeon cares about veins and arteries and capillaries. They care about hearts and brains. Or literally anything else. Most hospitals just bundle vascular procedures in with the cardio department even though it's not their area of expertise.

Lucas: Okay?

Matt: So, it's my job to train more vascular surgeons. Which is why I've asked for you.

Lucas: Me?

Matt: I saw promise in you when you were doing that endarterectomy. I'm willing to take you on as my protégé.

Lucas: I... I've barely started. I don't know.

Matt: Look, Nash, you stick with me, I promise that I'll mold you into one of the finest surgeons this hospital has ever seen. But you have to be willing to learn.

Lucas: You really want to be my mentor?

Matt: Yes, I do.

Lucas: Alright, I'll do it.

Matt: Good man. Now, you are still an intern so we can't start off that strong. So, for today, you'll be shadowing me, you got that?

Lucas: Yes, of course, Dr. Willis.

Matt: Alright. Let's get to it.


Lucas stood in the ER with Meredith as Derek, Burke, and Matt all worked on the rape victim that had come in.

Derek: She's gonna spend a long time in recovery and rehab.

Burke: If she survives.

Matt: Well, let's not say things like that. She's held on so far. That's a strong woman.

Derek: What is she, like, 5'2", 100lbs? She's still breathing after what this guy did to her? Catch the guy, they should castrate him.

Matt: What I'd suggest is flattening his junk with a meat tenderizer. Medieval-style punishment. That'll lower the statistics in a heartbeat.

Burke: See how shredded her hands are? She tried to fight back.

Derek: Tried to? Rape kit came back negative. She kicked his ass.

Matt: Hell yeah.

Burke: So, we have a warrior among us, huh?

Meredith: Allison. Her... her name is Allison.

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