Sho’s pov
Notice I didn’t give  my full name you will find out why later Oikawa wants me to come to Seijoh and he wants me  to replace him as captain when he graduates remember i said i only introduce myself as shoyo For those that haven’t caught on my Full name is Oikawa Shoyo now that should ring a bell or several actually i am the youngest twin to oikawa tooru and i am in the japan youth team

Yachi: sho here is the office i will be waiting outside and is there a club you are interested in

Sho: oh volleyball and thank you for all your help yachi

Lucky for me i could go straight to the gym after I finished in the office so after i had finished i ran to the gym and entered a pretty girl walked up to me

Kiyoko: hello are you here for volleyball

Yep i play any position setter mainly 

I get it like older brother i too am a setter and me and Tooru do get competitive over that sometimes whatevs it's a twin thing

Daichi the captain heard and said let’s try you out then tanaka asahi come spike this kids sets

Asahi: Hai

Tanaka: sure thing

Sho: so how do you normally like them high low minus delayed combo of minus and delayed 

Daichi stopped in his tracks and thought 💭this kid is asking them Kageyama never does that and with sets we never tried

Asahi: you can do that

Sho: sure want to try it see how it feels

Tanaka: i’ll try it sho me what you got punk

Sho: okay serves up

Sho did the minus delay sergiving tanaka time to run and get where he needs to be jump and let the ball fly


sho: good luck stopping it 

Sho sets again same height and  speed tanaka got in to place hit it and noya had no reaction  time

Noya: wow kid that was awesome your set was like wham blam whoosh

Sho: i take that as a compliment

Daichi: welcome to the team you said you can play any position

Sho: yes although setter is my main i can fill any position want to try hitting a fee of our starting setters sets as a spiker

Sho: sure

I looked to see who the starting setter is damn is Kageyama it would be my ex wouldn’t it

Kageyama did his set and i spiked it like it was nothing and sho said come on that was too easy where is the king i use to hear stories about i want to see those sets

That seemed to hit a nerve sho thought good now show them what you got the you i know the true  show them that relentless and reckless bastard and set boy set

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