Nic's POV

"Let's go have a baby" the Dr said as I was wheeled to the delivery room. "I'm actually having a baby, I can't believe it" I said as I started to cry. "Let's get this show on the road" Dr Milan said as he walked to the edge of my bed and started getting ready. "On the count of 3 Nic I want you to push for a count of 10 and relax for a count of 5 okay?" The doctor asked me as I nodded. "3...2....1...." He said as I started pushing. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" he counted as I relaxed. "You're doing great Nic" Hana said as I smiled. "Alright you need to start pushing again" he said as I repeated the process. "Go look at your daughter Tetsuro" Hana said as he walked over and stood next to the doctor. "Can you see her?" I asked him. "No, not yet" he said as I was told to push again. "You are doing amazing Nic" Kei whispered to me as I pushed. "Ahhhh" I yelled as I gave it my all. I was determined to meet my daughter.

"And relax" he said as I laid my head back on the pillow. "I can see the top of her head Nic, she has white hair like you" Tetsuro said as I smiled. My daughter had something in common with me. "Go ahead and push again" Dr Milan said. "Fuck, I don't know if I can do this" I yelled as Kei held my hand. "I have no doubt that you can do this, you are so strong" Kou said as he looked at me with pure adoration. "And relax" he said as I stopped pushing. "I can almost see her face Nic" Tetsuro said as I cried, I was so close to meeting her. "You need to start pushing" he said as I pushed. "I can see her face Nic, she's so beautiful" Tetsuro said as he cried at the sight of our little girl. "You're almost there Nic, she is almost here" Dr Milan said as I started to push again. "There's her shoulders" Tets said as I pushed. "She's perfect" he said as he smiled. He was truly becoming such a dad. "You can push again now, you're so close" I was told as I pushed again.

"Keeping pushing Nic, I can see her chest, now her arms and hands" Tetsuro stammered. "One more push Nic, you're about to meet her" Hana said as I smiled and started pushing again. "There's her hips, her thighs, her legs..." Tetsuro was interrupted by the cries of our newborn baby. "I did it, she's finally here" I cried out as Kei kissed my forehead. Dr Milan cut the umbilical cord and our daughter was placed on my chest. "Hi baby, I'm your mommy and I'm so happy to finally meet you" I cried out as I rubbed her back. "We need to clean her off and weigh her but she will be back with you soon" the nurse said as she picked up my daughter and carried her off. "Stay with her" I told Kou as he followed the nurse. "You have to deliver the placenta now Nic, then you get to enjoy your baby" Dr Milan said as I started pushing again and about 15 minutes later I delivered the placenta. "Let's wheel you and baby back to a regular room" a nurse said as she handed me my baby and pushed us back to the room from before.

"She's beautiful Nic, does she have a name?" Hana asked me as I looked up at them. "I think she looks like a Matilda Marie" I said as they nodded in agreement, I saw Tetsuro start to cry. "Why are you crying? You should be happy right now Tetsuro" Hana said as he looked up at her. "Marie was my mom's name and she passed away a few years ago. "That's so sweet of you to honor your mother through naming your daughter" Hana said as she hugged him. "Welcome to the world Mattie" Kei said as he looked down at his daughter who was starting to cry. "She's probably hungry" I said as I started to feed her. "She so beautiful" Kou said as he watched his daughter eat. "She gets it from her mother" Kei said as I smiled. "My little Matilda" I said as I leaned down and kissed her head. "I love you already" I said as I cradled her. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I said as our friends all walked in. "She's beautiful Nic" Lila said as she looked down at my daughter. "She looks like you" Rory said softly.

Mattie finished eating and I covered myself up again. "Can you hand me a burp rag please" I asked Kei as he passed one to me. I burped her while every one looked at her with love. "If you want to hold her you need to wash your hands" Kei said as almost everyone made a beeline to the bathroom. "We are lucky" Kou said as they used hand sanitizer. "Kei, do you want to hold her first?" I asked him as he nodded. I handed her to him and he started to cry again. "She's perfect" he said as he smiled at his daughter. "Let me get a picture" I said as I snapped a photo of them. "Hi little girl, I'm your daddy and I am so happy to meet you" he said as he looked down at her. "You are already so loved Matilda" Kei muttered softly. "I am always going to be here to help you and to protect you" he added. I even started to cry, he was so infatuated will a girl he had just met. "Don't big her, I'm her abba" Tetsuro said as Kei handed Mattie to him carefully. They loved her.

Tetsuro's POV

"Hi baby love, I'm your Abba which is like your daddy but ten times better" I said as I smiled at her. She was so small, I was afraid that she might break in my arms. "I love you so much and so does your daddy, mommy, and papa. You already have 3 people who would die for you" I said as I rocked her. "You are the prettiest girl in the world and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" Kou said as he looked at her. "Hold still, I'm gonna get a picture" Nic said as we smiled down at Matilda. "Our little Matilda Jane" Kou said as he wiped away some tears. "She's adorable guys" Kenma said as the crowd gathered back into the room. "After Kou holds her you guys are more than welcome to" Nic said as I passed Mattie to her papa. "She's so small" Kou cried as he looked at the infant girl in his arms. "She'll get bigger don't worry" Nic said as she smiled at her daughter in her father's arms. We were meant to be her parents and we all knew it. She completed the little family we'd made.

"Have you named her yet?" Rory asked as she sat in a chair. "Yeah, our daughter's name is Matilda Marie Jackson" Nic said as Kou handed Mattie to Rory. "We decided to call her Mattie for short" I added. "Hi Mattie, I'm Rory, I'm your auntie and I am going to spoil you rotten" she said as she smiled at our newborn. "I want to hold her next" Kenma said as his wife handed Mattie to him. "Hi, I'm Kenma. I can tell we are gonna be buddies" he said as Rory snapped a photo of them. "She's beautiful Nic" he said as he booped her nose. "Please don't touch her face, we don't want her getting sick" Kei said as Kenma nodded. "Yeah we were the same way, my bad" he said as Rory smiled at him. "Pass her to her auntie Lila next", he walked over and placed the sleeping baby in her arms. "You are such a cutie" Lila said as she held Mattie. "I'm your auntie Lila, I'm gonna be the coolest aunt you ever met" Lila said as Rory and Dana scoffed. "Fine, I'm one of the coolest aunts" she said as she corrected herself.

"It's uncle Keiji's turn" he said as she was passed to him. "Hi sweetie, you really are cute" he said as she fussed. "Shhh it's okay, I'm not that scary am I?" He asked her as she started to calm down a little. "Let auntie Dana hold her now" Dana said as Keiji handed her over. "You're a popular little lady Matilda" Nic said as she smiled at her daughter. "Was there any doubt that she would be?" I asked her as we all laughed. "She's so precious" Dana said as she held our sleeping baby. "She gets it from me" I said as my partners laughed. "Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope" Nic said with a laugh. "Anyway I want enjoy my daughter now, you all can visit her more when she is home" Nic said as Dana handed our daughter to her and everyone left. "She is so beautiful" I said as I smiled at my daughter. "Then you can change this beautiful girl's diaper" Nic said as she handed her to me. "I would be happy to" I said as I carried her to a table and changed her. I felt so blessed by her.

"You are only greatest creation Matilda Marie, I am so proud to be your daddy" I said as I helped her grab my finger. "It was like her hand was made to fit around my finger" I said as Kou took a picture. "We can post that to announce her birth to the public" he said as I nodded. "I can't wait to teach her about things and show her the beauty of the world she lives in" I said as I pulled my finger out of her grasp and picked her up. "You really do look like your mother, I hope your hair is curly like hers" I said as I carried her. "We will take care of her, you need to rest Nic" I said as I held Mattie. "If you are okay with watching her, I am pretty tired" Nic said as she started to fall asleep. "Your mommy is taking a nap, so we are going to take care of you for a little while" I said as I handed her to Kei. "Hi Matilda, are you enjoying the world so far?" He asked her as she slept. She slept like her mother, a heavy sleeper.

"She reminds me so much of Nic, she even sleeps with her mouth slightly open" Kei said as he looked at her. "She is definitely Nic's twin" Kou said as we all nodded in agreement. "I can't believe I'm a dad, I didn't know I could love someone so much" Kei said as he rocked her. "You are my little love Matilda" I said as I took a picture of her and Kei. "You are so important to us and we will spend everyday we have with you telling you that" Kou said as Kei handed her to him. "I love you Mattie" Kou said as he smiled at her. We were finally a family and we were over the moon about it. "We need to capture this moment" I said as I pulled my phone out and started recording. "On June 10th at 5:47 AM our family grew by 1. We are proud to announce that Nic gave birth and we will share more details when we are ready." I said as I uploaded the video to my story. "You are my sunshine Matilda" I said as I stroked her face and I swore that she smiled softly.

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