CXCVIII Shouto: Complication

Start from the beginning

A laugh echoes from the other end. Dark and menacing. I hate it. "Thanks for the help, but I have some terms of my own. I don't really care about winning back my rightful award, but I want compensation. Ten million yen and the chance to rub her plight in her friend's face."

"Yes, you'll get what you want, and I'll get what I want," Hanada-shi promises. "She has grown too confident these days. Taking her own stands, deciding what she will and will not do. It is revolting."

"For someone who cannot walk without support, she sure had guts to be rude to someone who is normal," Miyamoto agrees.

"Oh, she was acting like a high-and-mighty bitch toward you, too? Then all the more reason to remind her of her place."

The rest of the conversation continues with mutual insults and disgusting vows. Just before the call ends, Hanada-shi reminds Miyamoto that he will call again, plan ready. Immediately, I close my laptop and sigh deeply.

The evening I encountered Miyamoto and Kurosawa in the book store, I warned the two of them to stay away from Selene. Of course, they did not take it well. That was why I alerted Selene to be careful of them. That happened in December. It's been two months since then, and Miyamoto is cooking up some sickening scheme to hurt Selene with Hanada-shi.

This was a complication neither of us expected.

Selene murmurs as she presses her palm against mine, "I never expected Miyamoto Akutenshi to pose a threat to me. His ego must have been battered when I confronted him for his insecurities."

"Likely took another hit when I told him to back off, too," I respond, equally despaired. But it only lasts for a moment. Being upset over something that has not yet happened is pointless. In fact, Selene and I know about this repulsive strategy now. We can prepare. We can prevent it from happening. It is with that confidence that I hold Selene's other hand. Stroking my thumbs over her knuckles, I ask, "What do you want to do?"

She contemplates the question for a long time. When she speaks, she debates the advantages and disadvantages of her options. Because we do not know for sure how Hanada-shi and Miyamoto intend to take revenge, we cannot anticipate their next moves with certainty. That leaves us with a few choices: (1) notify the police of an impending attack; (2) inform Sasaki-san to add this incident to our file of crimes; (3) confront Hanada-shi and Miyamoto firsthand; (4) alert the U.A. teachers that one of the students plans to hurt another student; (5) bring this issue to the media.

Recalling the recorded discussion and all our efforts until now, I say, "If we enlighten our teachers, they will reach out to the police, and somehow the media will catch wind of it. Same thing will occur if we talk to the police instead of the teachers. What's even riskier is to approach the two conspirators in person. They might take things even further than they planned to."

"You're right, Shouto," Selene responds. "I don't want this to come out until we have gathered enough proof to convict Hanada-sama. Sasaki-san told us to find just a little more."

"So what do you suggest? We share this video with Sasaki-san and add it to the list of crimes?"

She nods. "Intent of harm is treated just as harshly as a complete act of harm. The motive is given in the recording: to punish me for my resistance. Though a different charge from the financial ones, we can still impose it upon him. Even Miyamoto-san will be brought to trial. Until then, we can take precautions."

"Are you recommending this because their scheme does not imply your abuse?" I inquire. When she affirms, I raise another doubt, "What if that is that what they are trying to do?"

Selene tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

How should I explain it? This is just postulation, but I cannot shake off my intuition. I take care with my words. "Selene, you are a survivor of sexual assault. And Hanada-shi had an active role in that assault. It's just a part of me can't help but worry that might be exactly what both of them are thinking of doing. Remember the audio I made you listen of mine and Miyamoto's exchange? He was so pushy about getting your number, it was creepy. His face afterward ... I didn't like it one bit."

Lunch time is about to end soon. I pack my computer back into the bag as Selene lifts both food trays. Taking mine from her so she can hold her cane, we begin walking in the direction of the school.

Selene, understandably, remains quiet. She appears lost in her thoughts. What could she say in response to my speculation? No one wants to imagine themselves being at risk of sexual assault. Especially, someone like Selene, who has already experienced what it is like on multiple occasions.

"Hey," I call out as we emerge out of the forest onto paved roads. "If what I said made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I should have been more considerate."

She shakes her head. "No, no, no," she placates. "Please don't apologize. That's not it. Your concern was legitimate. Sadly, it is a likely possibility. I was simply wondering if they would enact their attack at the Hanada manor or at school."

I freeze in my tracks. She walks a few steps before realizing I am not keeping pace with her. Turning around, she says my name. I do not answer. Selene brought up an excellent point. By any chance that our defenses fail against Hanada-shi and Miyamoto's alliance, then she will face a great threat. If it's at school, I can do my best to protect her. But at the mansion ... where she's vulnerable and without support ... what can I do for her there?

Already, I have loathed the idea of her returning there, despite the place being a diamond mine for evidence. Now, even more so.

Selene repeats my name once more, and this time, I move again. We enter the school cafeteria, drop off our trays and winter jackets, and return to class. Along the way, we encounter the one face we hoped not to see.

Speak of the devil and the devil will come.

Miyamoto Akutenshi.

He is with his gang of stupid lackeys, walking in the opposite direction of us. Instantly, I take note of our positions. I am strolling beside the wall, Selene is on my side, and Miyamoto walks in the center of the hallway. At the spot where we will inevitably cross paths, he will be standing close to Selene. Where he can touch her, pull her, hurt her. Never on my watch.

I hold Selene's elbows and shift her so that she is moving parallel to the wall, and I am the blockade between her and Miyamoto. The bastard catches it, too. He raises an eyebrow and smirks roguishly, while I level a deathly glare at him.

Selene and I are the first ones inside the classroom. Before our teacher or classmates enter, I turn Selene to face me.

She stares at me with questioning eyes.

"Promise me you will escape if you are ever alone with him," I say.

"I promise."

After a moment's pause, Selene wraps her arms around me, and I waste no second to reciprocate the embrace.

"I don't want anything else to happen to you."

She combs the unruly, windswept strands of my hair back.

"I know.

"After all, you are already doing so much for me."


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