"What a wonderful idea Ellie, you should let me join in. I'll be glad to lend you a Star in my name." Eden added.

"I'll rather just burn them all." Kalpas chuckled wholeheartedly.

"I would like that as well," Himeko said angrily

"It seems my blade needs to be used once again." SAKURA coldly stated

But they're all already dead, burnt to the ground.

"We don't need those False Gods to decide on our Fate," Theresa shouted with determination.

"Yeah." the Student Kiana agreed

"Holy hell I didn't expect that." Senti surprisingly said.

"What a tragedy," I say to avoid the fact I bombed her village.

"Children shouldn't have to be experiencing this. They should be living out their lives." Cocolia stated.

"I share the same sentiment." Raven agreed to the former Warlord

"What type of village would sacrifice their children!" Telsa angrily said.

Sakura's village?

"A horrible one. Who's to say that Gods even exist?" Einstein questioned.

"We live in a world where threatened by a malevolent force, with beings that have Godlike abilities that can manipulate the natural forces of the world. I wouldn't be surprised if they existed." Welt reasoned.

Aeons exist they're similar to Herrschers both transcendent beings that have a Concept tied to them. But the difference is that Aeons are worshipped and the power gap is quite massive between the two.

When comparing the two with an analogy, if a Herrscher is an enchanted sword then an Aeon is Excalibur with all of its Seals Released.

Quite a power discrepancy.

How would I know this information? I blame it on the tree.

She refused to let this happen even if she already failed to escape with her sibling, she wouldn't give up hope.

And promising to see the Cherry Blossoms together alongside her, she had to try her hardest.

Kallen's face had a sullen look she knew already knew what Sakura had been through.

The Shrine Maiden had moved past her horrible memories and set her eyes on the screen determined to see what would happen next.

Higokumaru or RIN at this point looked determined as well like her 'sister'. 

The fox chibi noticed I was looking, and ignored my gaze though her cheeks were tinted a little bit reddish.

Wow. You ignore me even though I made you a Love Letter. What an evil fifty thousand-year-old ELF.

"~That's a beautiful promise, I hope it comes true, those two adorable kids shouldn't have to suffer like this~"

With each step, she took up the stairs onto the shrine's patio determination filled her to save her.

There, she saw her sister tied up kneeing on the hard stone ground as an offering to those Divine Beings.

The crowd of villagers anticipated her execution for their crops to grow and their thirst to be quenched.

Once she unsheathed her blade, her sister closed her eyes, awaiting its edge cutting into her.

But instead, it slashed the rope unbinding the little girl.

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