The party

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I turned around and looking at me was the school Queen. Everyone loved her and if you said one word against her you'd be dead. I was so terrified that I even looked at her wrong she would come right after me and ruin my social life so when she invited me to her party I did NOT want to go but went anyway.

"Hey Cece" said Camilla the queen of the school. I said "Hi Camilla"

"I don't think you should be drinking alcohol", she said nodding at my can of bourbon and cola, "you might get a little tipsy!" then all her friends laughed and laughed, they're like little minions always wanting to get out at you and be mean.

"Guess who's playing tonight Cece?" She giggled.
"I don't know backstreet boys?" As I thought she was the one who'd had a bit much .

"Nope, One Direction!!" She said as if it actually meant something to me.

"If they're not Nickelback then I don't want to hear them" I said. "I'll probably be out of here by then anyway" I thought to myself, instead of listening to some unknown losers.


"No Samo I don't want to make out tonight" I said for the millionth time, trying to actually get the point across.

"Cmon Cece just one kiss on the cheek?"

"No Samo now go away". As he walked defeatedly away I felt someone's stare burning a hole in my back. I turned just as I saw a figure move into the shadows. I tried to get out because I was starting to feel a bit nervous but Camilla pulled me back through the door just in time for "Our connection" Or whatever their name was. I sighed. I guess I could try and have a good time I thought, as a crowd surrounded the made-up stage.

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