Chapter 2: Angels in Night City

Start from the beginning

David: Hmm. Yeah well easier said then do-

  As I looked out the car window, I noticed a car pulling up to us with a loaded machine gun, before I knew it, they opened fire. Shooting through our car, tearing it up like paper, and all for the car that was on the other side of us.

  I ducked out of the way of the bullets as the windows in our car were beyond fucked up.

Animal1: FUCK EM UP!!!!

Animal2: Don't let em get away!

  They sped up ahead of us, as they aimed their guns, what looked like a heated wire came from behind them shredding the gun to bits.

Animal1: What the fuck?!?

  I turned back to see a figure on a bike with monowire in their wrist, ready for another attack. I recognized who they were just from rumors alone.

Animal1: Oh fuck, Hell Cat's here!

Animal2: Fuck that pussy cat! Just blast that fucking suits ride. I got this bitch!

  The car sped up as Hell Cat sped past us as well, readying the wire for another attack, but as I peaked up from the passenger seat, they had already launched their rocket launcher at the limo, blowing it off it's wheels. While I noticed Hell Cat take a shot to the side forcing them to stay back against their gun fire.


While they were celebrating, Hell Cat took out one of their vans wheels making them vear off the road. But the limo was scraping by on it's front, before I noticed it was falling right towards us. Hellcat seemed to have noticed us as he quickly turned around and made his way towards us.

David: Mom! Brake! Brake hard! Watch out!

  Then just like that, everything went dark.

*Your POV, Moments before*

    I sliced at the animals to get them off, so I used my wire and slashed at their tires making the bastards veer off the road. I noticed at the last moment, David and Gloria's car. Caught in the cross fire. My vision focused as if time had slowed for me in this moment. I felt all my insticts kicking in to help them no matter the cost.

Y/N: No! Not liKe this!

  I rush back to them as I rev my bike up, turning hard as I sped over to their car. I rushed over to the drivers side and leapt onto the side of the car lightly startling Gloria. I turned the wheel a bit trying to move the car out of the way, but it didn't go as I had planned. The limo landed on their car as everything went dark for me in that moment.

. . .

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*David's POV*

  Some time later, I wake up in the car, upside down. I see my mother lying down in the distance.

David: Hey! Mom? Mom!

  As they are checking on her, Trauma team pulls up as well, at first I was thankful, but that was short-lived once one of the bastards scanned me.

Medic: He's not a client.

Medic 2: Neither is she.

David: Hey? Hey! Wait!

Medic: Secure the client, leave them to the city meat wagon.

  Before I could call out sooner, the door on my side of the car was ripped open, well, more like cut. I was pulled out from the belt to see the biker legend themselves. Hell Cat.

Night on Fire (EdgerunnersXMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now