"what's got you down baby girl?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine," she replied apparently unconvincingly because Alex walked over to her bed to sit down.

He put his hand on hers.

"Your not fine, I can tell. Go on what's on your mind"

"It's nothing really,"

"Spill," god he was so persistent it was annoying.

"I'm just sad I can't go back to gymnastics for a while," she lied holding up the potted arm.

What the hell Sadie you don't even do gymnastics.

"I didn't know you did gymnastics kid," He replied with a tilted head.

"Neither did I," she mumbled under her breath.

"What was that Princess?"

"I can't wait," she told him "... to go back I mean,"

"Well when you are better you can go back," He smiled.

Oh god, what had she done.

It was fine she would be out of here in a few hours.

Alex didn't know where they lived, he would never find her.

But she'd always know where to find him.

"Sadie?" she refocused herself to Alex calling her name.

She looked up at him.

"You okay Princess?"

"Yeah fine just daydreaming sorry,"

"I'm going to get Dr. Shepherd to check on you just in case,"

"I'm fine,"

"Better safe than sorry," He winked at her before standing up to leave "I'll be back in a minute.


AMELIA WAS STOOD AT A NURSES STATION filling out some paperwork when Karev walked up to her worry plastered on his face.

"Hey, you okay? How's Sadie" she asked as he stood next to her.

"I'm fine. But that's what I want to talk to you about, we were just having a conversation and she zoned out and wasn't responding to her name I wondered if you could give her a once over for me?" He asked all in one breath.

"Hey, Alex chill I'm sure she is fine, I told you she had a pretty severe concussion when she first came in so it's most likely just down to that, is she still on the peds floor?"

"Yeah, I'll walk down with you,"


"HEY SADIE HOW ARE you feeling?" I asked walking into Sadie's room.

"I'm okay,"

"Are you sure? No pain? Headache? Nothing?" Amelia asked flashing a light over her eyes.

"Just a small headache, but I'm fine,"

"That's great to hear," she told her before giving Alex a look to follow her out of the room.

"I'm certain she is absolutely fine Alex, with rest the headache should go soon, perfectly normal with a head injury like this. However, I would just like to run another head ct to make sure we didn't miss anything with all her other injuries," she told him out in the hall while putting Sadie in the queue for the machine.

"Okay thank you, Amelia. For everything,"

"No worries, at all I'm always here," she smiled and put her hand on his shoulder.

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