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"Are you here to tell my father that you don't want to get married to me?" PAPI asked with an evil grin on his face.

"My soon-to-be wife, give it up already. no one is going to save you from me. And there's nothing you can do to stop us from getting married.

Your father made a promise and I know you're just a baby who doesn't understand our line of business but your father can't go back on his word or his entire empire will be burnt down by my father and I."

He stood up from his seat and walked up to me, holding the back of my head as he pulled me to himself and forcefully kissed me.

Immediately, I pushed him away and slapped. 

"Are you mad? What audacity do you have to kiss me?  This Is assault. You're assaulting me and you can go to jail for this.

You're a beast, no wonder you're not married. You're over two decades older than me and still no one wants to marry you.

It is because you're a beast, you're the devil himself.

PAPI? Now you listen to me, listen very carefully and read my lips; You and I, will never happened.

Even if it kills me, I'll stop this marriage. I'd rather be dead than to get married to a beast like you."

I kept on ranting and yelling at him hitting him but he just kept on smiling without a care in the world.

Our marriage is inevitable. He knows that and that is why he doesn't care about my actions and deep down inside of me, I also knew that I was just wasting my time.

When a business deal has been made in this line of business between DRUG LORDS, there is no going back.

If there's a breach of contract, it is going to lead to lots of bloodshed.

I knew there was nothing I could do and so, I let out my anger in the only way I could which was to rain down insults on PAPI.

While I was going on and on, Mr Melendez walked into the office.

Turns out, he has been there from the  start.  Just in the other room listening to my conversation with PAPI.

He walked to me and said exactly what PAPI said;

"Your marriage to my son will happen whether you like it or not. You can raise your voice as much as you want now.

Because the moment you become Mrs PAPI, you will not have a voice anymore.

You've only heard about my son's brutality but you'll experience it for yourself when you're finally married into this family.

We will take over your father's business, his connections and his power from this marriage and after that, we are going to get rid of you silly girl."

The entire family is just insane and terrifying. Hearing the words of Mr Melendez, made me tremble.

I wanted to leave that building as soon as possible before they do anything to hurt me.

I turned around to leave in a hurry when Mr Melendez said; "Oh lest I forget, your father is going to hear about your display here, today"

Now, I was definitely convinced that I don't want to get married into this family. My family is bad but this family is the worst.

The moment I got home, my father was already in so much rage.

He had already heard about my display to my soon-to-be in-laws. He asked everybody to excuse the both of us is from the sitting room and when they all left, he walked up to me so furiously, ready to devour me.

"Father, I'm sorry, I can explain. I just went there to talk to them abou....."

I couldn't complete my statement before the thunderous slap landed on me.

"You useless child. You've been nothing but a burden to me and finally, you become useful somewhere and you went there to ruin that also?

What a shame and disgrace you are to me. Marry PAPI or else I'll strangle you to death with my own bare hands." My father thundered down on me.

"I don't want to get married to him father. He is a beast. I know that you don't care about me but do you really want THE HEIR TO THE DRAGON to die like a lowly commoner?

And in the hands of the PAWA syndicate? That will be a disgrace to THE DRAGON." I said trying to convince him that the marriage was a bad idea

"Not as much disgrace as you're bringing to me right now. BECKY, I'm a man of my words and if I say you'll marry PAPI, you will most definitely marry PAPI." He thundered still

"Father please, I don't..."

"Quiet!!! You'll do as I say BECKY or else, you'll lose everything, and I mean everything dear to you

You'll come back to beg on your knees but by then, it would be too late because there's no coming back from beyond the grave.

And that is where everything and everyone you care about will be, if you refuse to marry PAPI."

He stormed out of the sitting room after saying this, leaving me standing there all by myself.

I couldn't bear it anymore as I broke down into tears. The life of a gangster is something I wanted to avoid but now, that is my only option.

I need to leave. Go somewhere my father would never find me and who cares about those ridiculous friends of mine?

I don't care what he does to them. I won't marry PAPI, and that is my final decision.

I had to run away but I was sad that I'd never see FREEN again. Just when I found a true friend whom I could be myself with, I am going to lose her.

I went to FREEN'S house to see her one last time and as usual, she didn't want to see me.

She just saw my arrogance and so I showed it to her. At least this way, she won't care that I'm gone for good.

After seeing FREEN, I left to my secret hideout without going back home. My father has always underestimated me.

He didn't care if I ran away because he thought he could find me anywhere on earth but he is forgetting that I am the daughter of a gangster too.

I was only pretending to be shallow and I hoped it won't come to this. But now that I'm going against THE ALMIGHTY DRAGON HEAD, I  needed my guys and connections.

I went into hiding three days to my marriage right there in the city under my father's nose without him knowing.

To be continued.....

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