Chapter 1

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The world of Jujutsu Sorcery was completely upended when Toji Fushiguro made an entrance. He was an anomaly unlike any that had existed previously. Some sorcerers have experienced heavenly restrictions that nearly eliminated their cursed energy but never completely removed it.

Toji Fushiguro, on the other hand, had not a single drop of it. In exchange, he was granted unrivaled physical ability and enhanced senses.

But his family, the Zen'in clan, known for their cruelty and valuing of cursed techniques over anything else, couldn't care less. The clan shunned and hated Toji for having zero cursed energy. Their hatred for him even caused the clan members to abuse him when he was younger.

Due to the ostracization by his own family, Toji left the Zen'in clan for good and loathed this immoral Jujutsu Society. He quickly became a mercenary by using the knowledge he had acquired from his clan for his own benefit. And thus, the "Sorcerer Killer" was born.

Toji's skill and cunning plans enabled him to carry out his missions smoothly and efficiently. If you wanted someone dead, he was the right person to hire.

The assassination of the Star Plasma Vessel, his final job, was a masterpiece. He came up with the ideal plan to take out two special-grade sorcerers, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru, who were regarded as the strongest at the time and assigned to protect the vessel.

Not only was the vessel's assassination accomplished, but Gojo Satoru-a sorcerer believed to be untouchable because of his Six Eyes and Limitless techniques-was also brought back to reality when Toji left him to die after striking him down with the Inverted Spear of Heaven, a weapon that nullifies cursed techniques. On the other hand, Suguru Geto was only spared because of his cursed technique's "inconvenience."

Toji got off relatively scot-free from his fights with both sorcerers and would've enjoyed the money reward he worked for. But there was one thing he failed to do: Use a weapon imbued with cursed energy to finish off Gojo Satoru.

Because of this, Gojo Satoru-now considered the strongest sorcerer in modern history-forced himself to learn the reverse cursed technique in his dying moments. After grasping the true essence of cursed energy, he went off to finish his fight with Toji.

Ultimately, Toji finally met his match with the newly enlightened limitless user and died in their second fight against each other.

Jujutsu higher-ups have feared the emergence of another sorcerer similar to Toji ever since. In the unlikely event a human like him appears, they have prepared plans and countermeasures to deal with and, worst-case scenario, dispose of them. Although, it wasn't likely that they would ever encounter another like Toji Fushiguro in their lifetime. He was, after all, a glitch in the system of cursed energy. He was the first ever case of a human free from it and would continue to be so for a long time.

That was what they believed.


Spirits did exist in this world. Y/n's grandmother kept reassuring him that.

Well, that's what she called them, anyway. She was, as far as Y/n could recall, the only one who ever really believed him when he claimed to have seen strange things around them. Everyone used to tell him as a child that what he saw was only in his head, but he knew that was not the case at all.

One time, his parents almost brought him to several pediatricians and psychologists to check if there was something wrong with him as well. Y/n soon realized that if he continued pushing on it, he would be isolated from ordinary people. If he didn't want everyone he knew to think he was weird or insane, then it was best if he kept it to himself.

He never again mentioned it in public as a result. His grandmother was the only one he kept talking to about the spirits he saw. She seemed to be the only one who believed him and the only one who didn't judge him for it.

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