Gemini had no problem with Mark as long as he stood as far away as possible from Fourth. As a matter of fact Gemini liked Mark and had a lot of respect and admiration for the older. As long as he was as far away as possible from Fourth that is.

What bugged Gemini the most was how Mark treated Fourth. Gemini would admit that Mark would treat Ford differently from them, but that was because he was his ship-partner and like an experienced actor he was, Mark knew how to sell a ship.

Now question came to why would he treat Fourth differently? Why would he talk with Fourth in that soft, gentle tone that annoyed the living hell out of Gemini. Why did his face have to light up and his smile broaden when he caught sight of Fourth? Why did he have to find Fourth cute and adorable?

Fourth wasn't his ship partner, he won't be for a long time as long as Gemini was in the picture. So everything that Mark did that was concerning Fourth, Gemini hated.

To add fuel to the fire that was already up in flames, the behind the scenes footage of Mark and Fourth kissing was broadcasted. And the fire burned within Gemini, it burned with unquenchable fury. Everywhere Gemini looked it was MarkFourth this and MarkFourth that.

Now how is one supposed to stay sane seeing your boyfriend kiss another guy. The same guy who people, your seniors have once said will bring out the hidden potential within him, the one who is more mature and experienced.

Due to Gemini's jealousy, the young couple would fight a lot. And most of their fights centered around one thing, or rather one person. Mark Pakin.

The young couple fought about this so many times that it was exhausting.

"Gem, how many times do I have to tell you that kiss meant nothing. It was a joke." Fourth argued.

"Well I don't think it was a funny joke, but you clearly seem to have enjoyed it judging from your reaction." Gemini argued.

"For goodness sake Gemini, what do you want me to do? Tell me and I would do it." Fourth said, feeling defeated. Him and Gemini had been fighting a lot and it all ended up at that kiss. That stupid kiss that should have never happened.

"I can't do this anymore Fourth" Gemini said.

"What do you mean Gem?" Fourth asked, fearing for the worst his eyes brimmed with tears.

"Let's end this Fourth. To save whatever is left of our friendship let's end this." Gemini said and just as the words left Gemini's lips, Fourth's worst nightmare came true.

"Don't say that Gem... please." Fourth said tugging Gemini's arm.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be. We are going to be working together for a long time from now on. I would like for us to be as professional as possible." Gemini said shrugging Fourth off of him, leaving behind a disrudled Fourth.

Fourth's heart broke into a thousand pieces that day. He had lost his first true love and it hurt, the heartbreak hurt so much that the pain manifested itself into physical pain in a form of migraines.

It got so bad that Fourth had to take a week away from work. Gemini was obviously worried about Fourth but he still kept his distance. He needed to stay firm in his decision. He loved Fourth, but with everything that is happening he knew that they will eventually hurt each other.

If they broke up now before they ended up hating each other, they can salvage whatever is left of their friendship. It was hard for him too, even though from the outside perspective it seemed like it wasn't.

After being apart for a week they had to meet up with each other, they had to fly to Japan for MSP fanmeet slong with Joong and Dunk. So like a professional Fourth showed up after being away from the public eye for a week.

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