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Just as Becky said, my father was at the airport waiting for me.

As soon as I got there, he gave me my passport but it wasn't my passport. It was a new passport.

He also gave me other documents containing my new identity. When I open my passport, the name written inside was SAMANAN ANANTRAKUL.

"Not bad for a new name" I thought to myself as I walked behind my father who was still very angry with me.

Shortly after, we got on the plane and finally left the country to Malaysia.

When we arrived at the Malaysian airport, we took a cab to our new home.

Everything had been prepared and well arranged awaiting our arrival.

It was a bit strange that my father knew just where we were supposed to go.

He clearly knew what was going on, and I clearly didn't know what was happening.

"Becky got us in trouble but why? What did we do wrong?

Becky ran away from home so why are we being blamed for that? Did we kidnap her or did we advise her to run away?"

I kept on asking myself all these questions but I got no answers.

And whenever I asked my father about it, he just ignores me.

But I kept on nagging and nagging him so he finally narrated everything to me.

"What kind of relationship do you have with Becky, I mean, Miss Lawd?" He asked.

"Nothing. Dad there's absolutely no relationship between Becky and I. We're not even friends.

Dad? You know I don't like Becky. Whatever Becky must have said to make you doubtful of me, I promise you that it's a lie.

I'm innocent dad. Please believe me. You know how much I dislike the LAWD family.

I'll never want to have anything to do with that rude, arrogant and selfish daughter of the LAWD'S. I said making it well known to my father that I don't even consider Becky a friend.

"But that's not what I saw that day at the cabin.

Do you kiss and caress the body of people you hate?

You two were practically consuming each other when I walked in. Are you telling me that you always behave that way with people you dislike and not consider friends?" He asked me trying to drive home his point.

Then and there, I remembered what happened at the cabin.

And I remembered that I didn't get a chance to explain it to my dad before he returned to work.

He must have been holding what happened at the cabin against me since then.

This is all Becky's fault. If I had time to talk to my dad, I would have cleared up the air about what happened at the cabin.

But Becky was being selfish as usual. I really dislike Becky. I just want her out of my life for good.

To be continued....

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