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I went back home alone and didn't wait for Becky as we had planned earlier.

I was so angry at Becky but mostly at myself for not seeing Becky's true intentions.

She just wanted my body and I gave that to her in a platter.


After few hours of soliloquizing and pacing up and down the house, being angry and cursing Becky, she finally arrived home.

"You're here? I don't understand. Why are you at home? What about our plans?

Or did you forget about everything we were supposed to do today?

We were supposed to make everyone believe that we are together and you just came home?

You even ditched me during lunch. I was with some powerful friends. And I even told them that you would be joining us for lunch and they were waiting but you just made a fool out of me.

What were you thinking, leaving me hanging like that?

We're supposed to have each other's back but you just left me stranded on my own. Why Freen?" Becky queried angrily.

"Yes Becky, you right. We were supposed to have each other's back. Not one person gossiping to her friends about how much she hates the other." I yelled back.

"What are you talking about? Who gossipped about hating who with whose friends?" Becky asked confusingly.

"Oh come on Becky, don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about.

You told your friends that I am annoying and that the only reason why you are with me is because of my body." I said and Becky finally realized that I went to meet her at the cafeteria.

"YES!!! that's right Becky. I went to the cafeteria to meet up with you for lunch as planned.

But then, I heard everything you were telling your friends about how you think I am so annoying but you manage my character because of my "sexy naked body."

And how perfect my "boobs" are." I yelled more.

"No FREEN, you.. you've got it all wrong. it's not what you think.

That's not what I meant by what I said.

They were being mean, badmouthing you and I didn't want to call them out straight to their face.

And so I was just trying to praise you in front of them." Becky explained herself

"Are you serious? You call that praising me?

Please explain to me how calling me "annoying" is praising me?" I asked, getting even more angry

"FREEN, you know that I didn't only call you annoying.

I like you okay? I like you so much and I was trying to make my friends like you too.

I'm sorry if what I said made you angry. " Becky apologized

"You're saying all this just because you want to taste of me again.

Remember "the first time you saw me naked and you swore that you would have me?"

That's what you told your friends right?"

"No! no!! no!!! FREEN. Please don't misunderstand.

I don't like your body or your boobs because they are amazing or excellent but I like them because they are yours.

It's not your body. It's you. You are amazing and you're excellent and I really, really, really... like you FREEN." Becky said

I paused for a while. Could she be telling the truth? Those were beautiful words but i was still a bit doubtful of her true intentions.

"I'm sorry, I made you feel low about yourself and I'd love to make it up to you tonight." Becky continued trying to cheer me up.

I could see that she has made plans for the night and she was excited about it.

"Okay..., what's tonight?" I asked


"Come on, tell me. What's tonight?" I insisted

"Fine. I want to take you out. I want to show you how much I care about you.

Freen, I really like you. And I want to show you off in front of my friends."

She said and suddenly held both of my hands and said looking straight into my eyes;

"Please Freen, will you go with me to the Zara collection dance?

I promise you, it's VIP tickets so we'll get the best treatment ever. So will you go with me." She kept on persuading.

"Okay, Fine. I'd love to go with you to the party." I replied slightly smiling with my head down.

"Yesss... I'm so happy. I'm taking my girlfriend to the dance." Becky teased, playfully dancing

"Shut up Becky." I said playfully hitting her shoulder as she ran into the room laughing.

To be continued...

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now