"Lucky for you I haven't said anything."

"Oh..." I notice her eyeing the bag in my hand

"You're not the only one who brought money. Eyes off."

"Is it a wedding ring are you finally proposing to me after 7 long years of courting... well I must warn you that my heart belongs to another... the prince of the neighboring kingd--"

"Do you ever stop talking?" I ask, interrupting her monologue.

"Your life would be so boring if I did though"

"I like boring. Boring is good."

"Whatever you say, ready to keep going?"


We walked around for another few hours before going home. By 'Going home' I, of course, mean she went to her house to drop off the stuff she bought before coming back to my place.

"Hey Ku, please let L/N in!" Mom shouts from the kitchen as though I couldn't read her thoughts.

"Hi." I say after opening the door.

"Hi Ku" She teases

"You're evil. There's no embarrassing nicknames for Y/N."

"You can just call me Y/N then. I'm sure one will dawn on you eventually, Ku~" She says this whilst snickering evilly. I could teleport her to America and leave her there forever.. No.. Not while Mom knows she's here.

"Only my mom calls me that, get your own."

"Ugh there's nothing else to call you. Get a more interesting name instead."

"Now you know how I feel. Just come in already."

We go up to my room and chat while Mom makes dinner.

"Ugh your room is so empty... You need, like, a big poster right there." She points to the wall behind my TV.

"That would be more distracting than the TV is."

"Sucks to suck I guess."

"I didn't invite you over for you to make fun of my room."

"Then why am I even here"

"The assassin backed out."

"Kill me yourself next time, wimp." She says before plopping onto my bed.

"At least your bed is comfy...."

"Don't fall asleep."


"Dinner, then you're leaving."

"Ughhh I hate you. I'm going to go hang out with your mom instead of you." She teases before getting up and walking downstairs. This girl is so annoying, but weirdly I don't mind. Well I do mind just.. not in a bad way.

Walking downstairs I see her and Mom cooking together, admittedly Y/N was only stirring something, but still.

"KUSUO I can't believe you'd show your face in our house again.." Y/N calls out upon seeing me, feigning betrayal.


"Yes, 'Our'. Me and your mother are best friends and have decided I'm her new child instead of you." Upon hearing this I look at mom as if to ask why she'd indulge in Y/N's silliness.

"Don't look at her, our decision is final." Y/N redirects my gaze towards her. She's wearing one of Mom's aprons that's too small, but it fits Y/N perfectly. She has a yellow T-shirt underneath with my hoodie tied around her waist.

"Eyes up here, bucko." Y/N teases, having noticed my inspection of her outfit. "I know I'm irresistible but sadly you must, for I am deep in the throws of battle in the present moment."

"Speak normally."

She rolls her eyes at me and goes to grab bowls for all of us. "I meant stop creeping at me while I'm helping your Mom."

"I'm not creeping."

"Yeah I knowwww I'm making fun of you. Liven up a little."

"Talking to you is lively enough for me, I'm fine." I can feel a smile tugging at my face and decide to let it win.

'He has a cute smile.. Stop. Die. Kill yourself whoever said that. LITERALLY I'M TALKING TO MYSELF. I need to stop immediately'

I feel like every other thought this girl has turns into an internal argument. At least it gives me something to pay attention to, her constant chatter. It's easier to drown out other people's thoughts since hers are always there, and always entertaining. I'd never admit that though.

Looking up I see that she's smiling right back at me.

Uh oh...! // SAIKI K X READERWhere stories live. Discover now