That's weird. Ever since we met she would always tell me stuff about Jaxx. Well I mean she has known him the longest. But this one's completely different. She wouldn't tell me this time.

" Oh. Okay. There's Sora and Amy."

Layla and I walked towards Sora and Amy.

" Oh hey Luca." Sora said.

" I was just telling Sora about the fun stuff we're doing after school." Amy said. " I'll tell you how it goes on the group chat."

" Group chat?" Sora said.

" Layla, Luca and I are part of a group chat. You're crush Jaxx is on there." Amy replied.

" Crush? But Amy isn't he dating-"

Amy looked at me giving me the signal to shut up.

The bell rings.

" Finally!! Come on Sora let's go!" Amy said grabbing his arm.

Layla and I looked at each other and smiled. We then walked outside.

" Please let me know when your dad changes his mind okay?!" I said.

" Okay. I'll text you when he changes his mind. My siblings are waiting for me. See you later." Layla said hugging me.

" Bye." I replied.

Sora's POV:

I'm spending the night at Amy's house. She's a good friend of mine.

" I know how much you love axolotls. So I decided to buy you a squishmallow that looks just like an axolotl." Amy said handing it to me.

" You know me so well." I said.

" Of course bestie. I've known you throughout my whole life. Remember when we first tried sushi together?" Amy said.

" Sushi isn't that bad. But we both know each others favorite type of sushi."

It's the California Rolls.

Amy's phone started to ring it was her.... boyfriend?

" Amy you never told me that you have a boyfriend. He's calling right now. Don't worry I'll answer it."

Amy then snatched the phone out of my hand and hung up the call. She then continued to use her phone. Then she dropped it and laid down on her bed.

" Don't go through my phone. I'm dead ass." Amy said with a serious look on her face.

" Okay." I said.

Amy smiled.

" Anyway, Did you know that Katie's invited to the party?" Amy said.

" No. She better not be invited." I replied.

" I hope not. You're Katie's Ex-boyfriend. I don't blame you for breaking up with her on the next day." Amy said holding her squishmallow.

" Hey Amy. There's this rumor about Jaxx dating someone from the cheer team. Do you know who the girl is?" I said.

Amy looked confused.

" Sora. That's a lie. They only said that because Jaxx's hot and they want him to be his boyfriend." Amy replied.

" Okay good." I said.

The door then opened. It was Amy's dad.

" You guys ready to go to the skating rank?" Amy's Dad said.

" Yeah. Come on Sora." Amy said.

" I'm right behind you."  I replied.

Luca's POV:

I got a call from Jaxx. But it wasn't him on the phone. It was his sister Jaylnn.

Luca: Where's Jaxx?

Jaylnn: He's watching TV. I got bored so I decided to call you through his phone.

Luca: Okay?

Jaylnn: I have to tell you something.

Luca: Tell me.

Jaylnn: My mom got a call from the school. Tomorrow we'll have new schedules. All of us won't have the same classes anymore.

Luca: Are you serious?

Jaylnn: Yeah. I was shocked as you are.

Luca: Oh my goodness. I better not have a class with Levi.

Jaylnn: Yeah. I better not have a class with Candi or Katie. I gotta go Jaxx's calling me. See you tomorrow at school.

Luca: Bye.

Love at first sight / Charluca Where stories live. Discover now