HM: Don't say that Karu, you have one great power that is 'CARE' which unknowingly I longed for years. I didn't feel attracted towards You, the way I feel now; but there was always the eagerness to see you, to hear you, to be with you, to wait for the coffee with which you come, to be hugged by you. I was never an emotional person before but you had turned me into one.

KS: Yeah, firstly I thought, you were so emotionless that even if I had died for you it wouldn't matter. But later when we became friends, I got to know that; you have emotions but don't know how to express themselves! But I was happy with you, I thought I could spend my whole life just by being your friend. But love was there in my eyes, I know that you had noticed it !

HM: yeah! Even a blind one could sense that. The way you used to protect me in missions, & cared about me before yourself, it was obvious.

KS: But there was always a sacred feeling towards you, it was never lust. But the first time the purpose with which you had kissed me, was not right. It was the first kiss of my life & you had ruined it.

HM: come on Karishma! Don't you remember the situation? You & Chita went on a secret investigation at an old factory who were making illegal abusive substances (alcohol mainly). ACP Sir told me to accompany you for the GPS tracking. I thought to refuse first saying I would help from the office but then I thought about your safety cause you were my only friend. I was near the factory but due to poor signal I couldn't locate you from the car, so I went inside & found you people had already captured them. But then one guy stabbed you at your back with a large piece of glass which almost penetrated about 3-4 inches inside, CC shot that man immediately at his hand. Local police came & we went out of the factory. Me & CC tried to remove that piece of glass several times but you were not letting us, you were badly in pain, I was feeling helpless seeing you bleeding & in pain.

Then one idea came, about releasing that natural pain-killer 'ENDORPHIN'. Then you might let me remove the glass-piece. I told CC to leave us alone until I called him back & I came near you, cupped your face & told you....

"Karishma I'm here with you, don't panic. I need you to hear me, I can go on & on about reasons but one reason is enough, that is- you're so in love with me! I know you do, so don't deny"

You were losing sense, yet you had tears streaming down your cheeks, then I noticed, I was crying too; which I rarely do. You sank in my arms, I pulled you by your waist, looked into your eyes & said,

KS: I remember every line, you told-
"I don't want to be parted from you, I want to spend every moment of every day proving my words. You deserve to be loved, you deserve every happiness"

Then you wrapped your arms around me tightly, I was nervous & you were feeling nervous too, as this was going to change our lives. Then all of a sudden you started kissing me. It was a long & passionate kiss. At first I was shocked, then I reciprocated, we were fighting for dominance, then you explored every corner of my mouth, I was so lost in the kiss, I hugged you tightly, my hands were roaming everywhere on your back; then I heard you saying,

"It's just me & you Karishma, trust me, trust us!"

& With that line, in a smooth pull, You had removed the glass piece from my back & stopped the kiss there. I wanted more but was too shy to ask for that. Then I heard you called CC & we were on the way to the hospital. My vision was getting blurred but I felt everything. CC was driving, we were on the back seat, You put a bandage on the wound & pressed your handkerchief over it to stop the bleeding & holding me the whole time. My head was resting on your shoulder.

In the hospital, the doctor checked on me & said there was no vital organ, major blood vessel or major nerve damage. I may feel numb at that area after healing.

Then the doctor had stitched the site, put on a bandage, ordered some pain killer & antibiotic. That was all.

I was resting in the cabin, when you came, you said, "I have informed ACP Sir about your condition, you don't have to go for the next 2 days, & they will discharge you after 3 hours. Chita is outside, if you need anything. Take rest. I'll call you tomorrow"

I asked, "Where are you going? Can you please stay with me tonight?" & You replied, "Nope, I've to go home now, I need rest. I have to go to office tomorrow. It's already very late."
I was a bit disappointed, you didn't even hold my hands. But then I was consoling myself that you need rest too, & here is not much room, so it's okay!

HM: Yeah! I was that much stupid. Then you asked me, "what about us Haseena?"
& I replied, "we will talk about that later, nothing is more important than your recovery now."
But your face was very curious, & you asked, "whatever you told me, was it all true?"
I said hesitantly, "yeah, now try to sleep" saying that I left your room.


That's all for today. Sorry for being late. Feel free to suggest me anything regarding the story. I'm grateful to my faithful readers & despite of my sickness I'm posting the story for you people. So, please like & comment to appreciate me.

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