We stopped at the door and knocked and a moment later a servant opened the door for us. As we walked into the room, I felt the weight of our responsibility, I was hoping nothing was going to happen during the wedding. Yet, when I saw Maki in her beautiful white uchigake, my worries lesson. It must be nice getting married, at least if you like the person. "You look lovely, Maki," I said with a smile. "It's an honor to be here."

Though our duty was to keep things safe, we also shared in the joy of the moment. Sakura and I helped Maki with the final touches, and her excitement was contagious. She might've have looked mean but she's such a sweetheart.

As time passed, I couldn't help but admire Maki grace and elegance. Sakura asked questions such as ' was she nervous' or 'how she felt about this whole arranged wedding'. Soon it was time for us to leave because it was time for the wedding to start.

I met with Sasuke and Naruto giving out instructions to where we were so if something happened one of us would quickly stop it. Each of us we in different corners blending in with the crowd. I would've had two of us outside and the other two inside, but Chief Kakuza had told me he had guards surrounding the building outside.

As we stood in the traditional venue adorned with delicate Sakura petals I felt a mix of nerves and anticipation. The door opened it and there was Maki, dressed in a stunning white uchigake, looked resplendent as she walked down the aisle with her father.

As the ceremony commenced, a hush fell over the room, and a deep sense of reverence enveloped us all. We observed from the sidelines and staying vigilant. We gave each other a few signals here and there as we watched the wedding. I had this feeling and I decided to move from where I was standing which was in the middle to the end.

The exchange of nuptial cups was about to happen when something went flying by, I quickly deflected the sharp object with my kunai that was heading towards Aiki. Everyone stopped and looked at the kunai that was on floor.

Aiki had a terrified look on his face while Maki was glaring. "Who dared to interrupt this wedding?" Chief Kazuka demanded.

Instantly the door was slammed opened off its hinges. There stood a man who was well built with orange hair and brown eyes. He had a sword in his hand with an angry look on his face. He had about 20 bandits with him. "Kazuka that's the man you let your daughter marry?!" H yelled.

"Jiro leave this instant!"

"As if I came here to claim what's mine!" Jiro shouted.

"I was never yours, you crazy bastard!" Maki yelled.

"I don't care!" Jiro responded. "Kill him along with that old man too!" He pointed to Aiki who looked like he was ready to piss in his pants.

They didn't get far because Sasuke did his fireball jutsu. Naruto charged at Hiro well three of them. I had told Naruto to limit his rasengan since there were multiple people around. Where was the guards?

"Keinsigan," I looked around to see where the guards were, but they were all down. I didn't expect much, honestly. I signaled Sakura who was helping Sasuke fight the bandits to come where I was. "Sakura escort the people out of here and I'll go protect Maki and Aiki, that kunai that was thrown earlier was from someone in the crowd."

Sakura quickly started leading people out while I looked around. I saw someone who was slowly approaching where Maki and Aiki were standing. I pulled out three shuriken and aimed it at him. He swiftly dodged it and made eye contact and scowled.

My eyes widen when he pulled out a kunai and threw it at Aiki. Fortunately, Maki pushed out Aiki out the way. I dash towards the ninja with a swift motion, I activated my wind release, sending a powerful gust towards him. But he effortlessly countered, using his fire release to create a sturdy barrier.


Undeterred, I charged forward, my Taijutsu skills coming into play. My fists were a blur as I unleashed a flurry of punches, each enhanced with wind chakra. But he was strong, using his fire jutsu to create stone walls to shield himself from my attacks. I finally punch him, and he fell to the ground.

Now looking at him I knew him. He was in the Bingo book Ren of the Village hidden in the hills. "Ren of Hills?"

He smirked and got up, "I'm glad my reputation perceives me." He pulled out a sword and he lunged at me with lightning speed, his sword aimed at my throat. I swiftly raised my kunai, attempting to block his attack. But he was stronger than I anticipated, and his blade sliced through my defense, leaving a shallow cut on my arm.

"Shit," I murmured when he changed his focus from me to the couples. I quickly teleported to them and teleported them out the hall and into the room Maki was getting dressed.

Getting back, I saw Ren looking around probably wondering where we went. "Wind Strike.". A vortex of wind spiraled towards him. He was thrown into the wall leaving cracks behind him.

He recovered quickly and grabbed his sword. He came at me with the same strength as before. "Annoying brat, you're getting in my way!" He was relentless, his sword around my kunai with deadly accuracy. I dodged and weaved, trying to keep up with his relentless assault. I almost felt bad for this kunai.

I teleported behind and kicked him in the back momentarily knocking him off balance. "Who's a brat now," I grinned and taking the opportunity, I lunged forward, aiming to land a decisive blow. But Ren recovered quickly, and with a swift maneuver, he knocked the kunai from my hand, sending it flying across the room.

I could see Sakura charging forward, her fists glowing with a powerful surge of chakra. Each one of her hits landing with a resounding impact, sending the bandits flying.

Meanwhile, Naruto was using his Shadow Clone Jutsu, creating multiple clones that surrounded the Jiro. The clones attacked from every angle, confusing Jiro until he was on the floor passed his sword out of his hands.

Sasuke was in the corner with usual "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" A massive fireball towards the bandits. The flames engulfed the bandits, forcing them to retreat or get burned.

I focused back on my fight gathered my chakra, determined to continue the fight. As he swung his sword at me again, I focused on evading his attacks with quick footwork and agile movements. With a sudden flurry of strikes, he managed to catch me off guard, landing two powerful hits on my side and leg.

I fell on my side and went under the ground. I reappeared above ground to his right, "Earth Spikes!" Spikes came out the ground surrounding but he swiftly dodges it.

A spiral of fire came at me, and I use my barrier and protected myself. As soon as it went down, I was punched in the face. That shit really hurt. I was expecting another blow, but two Naruto came and jumped on him.

By the time he could the Narutos off it was enough time for me to attack. "Wind strike!" He was pushed back kneeling down and just as he was about to get up a fireball came at him. Just as it dispersed Sakura came and punched him. Naruto came and gave him a kick that completely knocked him off.

"Hahaha!" Naruto started laughing when he noticed a part of Ren head was bald due to Sasuke's fire. "Look at the place!" Sakura pointed out. My eyes widen when I looked around and noticed the walls were broken, decorations were either burnt or smashed, and the little stand were now into small pieces.

"They are going to have to do the wedding somewhere else." Sasuke said. And here I was hoping we could've finished fighting without doing too much damage.

"But besides that, the last moves were so cool, when we all hit him." Naruto exclaimed. "That was the most teammest thing we've ever done. We actually do make a great team."

"I'm not sure teammest is a word but yeah I agree." I smiled.


Right after Aiki and Maki did the exchange of nuptial cups and the symbolic sake-sharing the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. We watched as the wedding was done this time with no interruptions.

We had to redo the wedding in the garden and it was just beautiful was the first one. After the ceremony was finished, we were eating the food that was being served to us when Chief Kakuza, Aiki, and Maki walked to us.

Thank you, ninja, "Chief Kakuza said, smiling at us with gratitude. "You saved the wedding."

"Yes, thank you," Maki agreed.

"It was an honor to be a part of your special day," I replied.

"I thought I was going to die on my wedding," Aiki voiced. "But then you came and then you guys fought. And I was like wow, crazy!" I chuckled and shook my head at Aiki.

"Are you guys sure you don't want to stay tonight and leave tomorrow morning?" Maki asked.

"No, we have to leave right away, thank you." I bowed.

"Then have a safe journey and thank you again."

"It was just us doing ninja duties," Naruto grinned..

Chapter 44 Completed!!! Thank God I'm done with this. I did not like writing these last three chapters, I'm sure it kinda showed. But now that's over it's time for drama. I can't wait. Get ready it's going to get wild. But don't forget to vote, comment, and share. -Brtully

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