Roman:*tips his hat at Bluby* Just... dropping in?

Jaune:*as Winter let's go of him* Heh, I just the same thing earlier.

Bleiss:*to Adam* My hero.

He drops her.

Bleiss:*groaning* My back...

The Death Stalker is still hunting Pyrrha, Rang, and Wake, but they manages to land on their side at the feet of the heroes.

Mercury: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Ruby: Not if I can help it!

She, Ilia, Weiss, and Neo(silently) sounds a battle cry and was about to rush towards the Grimm. When Yang, Roman, Winter, and Adam stops.

Yang: Ruby, wait!

Ruby: What do mean-?!

She stops as two very large Grimm kills the Death Stalker and Nevermore like mere bugs.

Wake:*scared* WHAT THE F[BEEP!] IS THAT?!

One Grimm was about as tall as a 30-story building, with one eye that acts like a eye beam, and holding a large white sword which is a stone slab with a Dust crystal cluster embedded into it.

The Grimm was called a Balor.

The second one is called a Cyclops. As the name the of it states, it's a 18 foot tall of muscle, single eye, and due to its great intelligence in handcrafting. It made a spiked club.

 It made a spiked club

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And everyone felt one emotion right now seeing the two giants

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And everyone felt one emotion right now seeing the two giants.


However for a certain three.

Winter: Should we run? Or fight them?

Adam: With all of us combined in fighting. We can all put up a good fight and take down the Cyclops.

Roman: But the Balor is suicidal. Even Mom, Dad, Uncle Qrow and Aunt Raven said that even highly trained Huntsmen perish fighting just one of them.

Jaune hearing the conversation chimed in.

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