From the First Bite: Hershey's Journey to Creating a Moment Worth Remembering

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One-shot story

In the year 2012, within the esteemed College of Engineering, a significant event is taking place in ECE Room 001. The thesis defense of our accomplished 5th-year students is currently underway.


Carla: You seem lost again. Relax, my friend. Have you forgotten how much effort we put into this?

Mela: I understand. I'm just really nervous. But I'm okay.

I forced a smile to assure her that I am fine. Carla reached into her shoulder bag, and my grumpy expression brightened when she handed me a bar of Hershey's Creamy Milk Chocolate.

As we enter the room housing the board of panels, a wide, bright smile adorns my face. I take a moment to reflect on the immense effort we have poured into this thesis, and the memories come flooding back.

In the early stages, we dedicated ourselves to intense brainstorming sessions, seeking to identify the central theme of our thesis. Our commitment extended beyond mere contemplation, as we ventured into the city to conduct surveys and procure the necessary materials for our prototype even on rainy days. We even persevered through sleepless nights to guarantee the successful soldering of all the crucial electronic components onto the printed circuit boards. There were moments when frustration overwhelmed us, leading to tears shed due to the failure of a circuit program.

Amid our endeavors, we are driven by an unwavering determination to succeed. However, amidst the challenges we face, we find solace and strength in the energy provided by Hershey's. This remarkable brand fuels our minds with attentiveness during our brainstorming sessions, invigorates our bodies as we venture into the city to gather materials for our prototype, keeps us awake and alert to meet deadlines, and even uplifts our spirits, allowing us to laugh after shedding tears of both frustration and triumph. Hershey's has become an indispensable companion on our journey toward achievement.

Mela: And that concludes our thesis defense. Thank you all very much.

As applause filled the room, both from those present and our classmates outside, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. Looking over at my best friend and thesis partner Carla, I couldn't contain my laughter when she revealed a Hershey's Creamy Milk Chocolate bar in her right hand, giving me a playful wink.

Truly, Hershey's made us taste this moment.

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