Peter sighed and started to get up before Lorraine stopped him, "I told you Susan and I could handle her. I meant it. Go back to sleep." He reluctantly nodded as she and his sister ran towards the crying girl.

"Shit." Was all she managed to say before Lucy had her arms wrapped around the professor.

"You children are one shenanigan shy of sleeping' in the stable!" The woman stops tying her robe as she eyes the old man in front of her. "Professor. I'm sorry. I told them vou were not to be disturbed." She continued glaring at the two older girls.

"It's alright, Mrs. Macready. I'm sure there's an explanation. But first of all, I think this one is in need of a little hot chocolate." He smiled sending her with the woman.

"Ahem." The professor says as Susan and Lorraine begin to walk away. "You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper." He says again.

"We're very sorry sir. It wont happen again."

"It's our sister, sir. Lucy."


"The weeping girl."

"Yes, sir. She's upset." Susan said.

"Hence the weeping." He replied warning a small chuckle from Lorraine.

"It's nothing. We can handle it!" She says to the other girl.

"Oh, I can see that."

The three continue their conversation of magical lands and wardrobes. When the professor finally notices the time he sends the girls off to bed. Susan makes it to her room first before saying goodnight to Lorraine who peeks in to see a sleeping Lucy.

Just as she made her way to her room a throat clears itself in the room beside her. She walks in as Peter props himself on his elbows, his sleepy voice causing Lorraine to melt. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah she's alright. The professor got her some hot chocolate and sent her to bed." She laughed silently.

"Thank you."

She nodded as she walked to her own room, slowly and sleepily she found her bed.

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

"Hey Luce." Lorraine said sitting next to her in the grass, "Whatcha reading?" The small girl looks up to her with half a smile.

"Some fairytales, since no one believes me about Narnia, I'll just read about fairytales instead." The little girls words were like daggers through Lorraine's heart.

It's not that they didn't believe her. It's just not logical for a magical land to be in a wardrobe. I mean fauns, Kings and Queens, Witches - it's completely preposterous.

Slowly coming out of her thoughts she hears Edmund and Peter fighting again.

"Well done, Ed."

"You bowled it."

The five children run into the house and to the room where cricket ball went to. Lorraine stands there in amusement before a set of thundering footsteps echos through the halls.
"What on earth is going on?"

"The Macready!" Susan yelled as the children make their escape trying every door, every lock to get away. Finally Edmund takes them to the spare room and with no hesitation Lucy and Lorraine run to it.

"Oh you've got to be joking!" Susan yells again as the footsteps get louder and louder. Eventually she gives in and runs into the wardrobe. After a few shoves and jabs the three eldest fall into, fall into -




"Peter, Lucy wasn't imagining." Lorraine says grabbing his hand, not even thinking.

The touch on his hand made his body warm, he looked around at the forrest covered in snow and turned to Lucy, "I don't suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it?"

The girl looked to him sadly before throwing a snowball at his face, seemingly starting war. Susan and Lucy were pelting each other with snow as Peter tackled Lorraine down and corded her with snow. One stray snow ball hit Edmund's arm.


Peter looked up quickly jerking Lorraine up with him, "Umph."

"You little liar." Peter started.

"Apologize to Lucy."

"What? You didn't believe her either." Edmund came back.

"Say your sorry." Peter yelled stepping forward, Lorraine tightened her grasp on his bicep. His muscular bicep.

"Alright. I'm sorry!"

"That's all right. Some little children just don't know when to stop pretending." Lucy shot back. Lorraine looked to the little girl who had made the comeback and smiled.

"Maybe we should go back." Susan interjected, being the party pooper as usual.

"But shouldn't we at least take a look around?"

"I think Lucy should decide" Peter said.

"I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!" She squealed.

"Well, then Mr. Tumnus it is." Walking back into the wardrobe, "But we can't go hiking in the snow dressed like this." Susan interjected, again. She was right, the other kids couldn't go out there like that but Lorraine had become accustomed to the cold, after being told 'if you come back late, you won't get back inside' or if she did something wrong it was 'sleeping in the backyard for you!'

Peter being who he is brought back five large fur coats, "I'm sure the professor won't mind us borrowing these. I mean if you think about it logically, we're not even taking them out of the wardrobe." He elongated the work 'logically' just for Susan disapproval. He handed one of to everyone and then stopped at Edmund, "But that's a girls coat!"

"I know."

This interaction causing the girls to laugh, as Peter looked back amused. Once Peter walked back to his sisters, Lorraine stood next to Edmund. "Do you want to trade? Mines a bit warmer and I'm used to the cold. Plus mine's a men's coat." He smiled gratefully at the girl and put on the larger coat.


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