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Becky actually slept over and returned the next day. We did mean for it to happen. We were just talking and slowly fell asleep. When we woke up, it was already morning. It didn't bother Becky too much but I was a bit worried.

Few days later, we were about heading back to campus. We were both excited. Finally we would be together and nobody would query us.

I was packing up my luggage very early that morning so that I'd arrive early to the LAWD'S mansion. In time to leave with Becky when my dad came home.

I was really excited to see him. He has only visited once since I returned home for the semester break. I was really happy to see him but he was wearing a frown.

What's wrong dad?" I asked being all worried.

"Freen? I want to talk to you about something really important." He said, sitting down on the sofa.

"Okay dad. Go on, I'm listening." I said as I sat down on the sofa next to him giving him all my attention.

"Stat away from BECKY LAWD. She's bad news" he said

"I don't understand dad. What do you mean? How can I stay away from her? I'm practically employed to be by her side."

Do play smart with me Freen. You know what I mean." I became sad. I don't want to go against my father but I'm happy around Becky. Why is he trying to ruin my happiness.

"Freen? I love you and I'm just looking out for you. I know that Becky makes you happy but the LAWD would be really furious when he finds out about your relationship with his daughter. Who knows what he's going to do."

"But dad, Mr Lawd already knows about Becky and I"

"Again Freen, don't play smart with me. I know why the Lawd is calm about your relationship with Becky. But Freen, the Lawd is not a fool. He'll find out sooner than later and if he feels like you're a threat to HIS HEIR, he'll have you killed.

Please I'm saying this because I love you and I don't want to lose you. STAY AWAY FROM BECKY LAWD." He emphasized dragging his ear

"Fine dad. I'll talk to her when we get to campus." That's a lie but I just wanted him to stop.

I really want to start going back to campus. At least in campus, nobody will tell us to end our relationship.

And my dream came true. That afternoon, We returned to campus and continued our relationship.


On this fateful day, Becky lost a bet so I made her carry my backpack. And as we walked back home, my shoe lace got loose. So I asked Becky to bend down and tie my shoe lace in public. She was a bit hesitant but she bent down to do it anyway.

And when she was done tying the shoe lace, she wiped off dirt from the shoe with her handkerchief.

"I'll be your servant today, so just enjoy today okay?" Becky said smiling but I didn't respond.

I also stopped laughing and so she raised her head to see why I wasn't responding.

When she got up, I was in shock. I was dumbfounded, looking straight behind Becky without blinking.

Becky didn't understand what I was looking at and just turned around out of curiosity.

And there he was standing with fifteen of his personal bodyguards, including my father.

The lawd looked at me in anger and disgust. He just witnessed his daughter, the HEIR TO THE DRAGON doing my biddings, showing me affection. And wiping off my feet.

Should I run? Oh please let the earth just open and swallow me. I prayed but nothing happened.

"So this is your sex slave." The lawd asked Becky as we both stood there in shock.

"From what I just witnessed, you are the one who is a slave to this lowlife.

"And you" he said pointing to me. "How dare you, a lowly servant instruct my HEIR to clean your feet.

You dare to insult the DRAGON?" He thundered down

"I'm so sorry sir" I muttered almost inaudibly. I don't know if talking would just make him angry but being quiet was also making him very furious.

He turns to one of his personal bodyguards "Finish her" he said and immediately, the bullet left the gun.

I was in shock, so was Becky. We couldn't comprehend what just happened.

Silence moved through the air as a body fell to the ground.

To be continued....

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now