''You will have to take it from our cold dead hands first.'' Minato retorted.
''That can be arranged.'' Mito replied and her chains attacked. After two minutes of fighting, all the Leaf ninjas were trapped by seals, their chakra being absorbed. ''Who are you?'' Mito asked as Naruto, Shizuka and Daena came into the scene.
''For this night, you can call us your grim reaper.'' Naruto answered and he moved swiftly with his flash step. He kicked Mito Uzumaki hard in the stomach which sent her flying away. He fought the nine masked beasts and was winning easily. Menma came to fight him one on one in taijutsu and Naruto gave him a hard kick on the chin. Naruto shot a bala which Menma countered with a black rasengan. Mito came to shoot her chains to capture Naruto but he evaded them and they impaled the tiger and snake masked beasts. Naruto jumped up and shot his 'majestic dragon hellstorm' at the two. He came back down and kicked Mito high up into the sky. There, Shizuka followed the Uzumaki and started beating Mito up with her new Daevite powers. She kicked Mito down to the ground with purple Daevite chakra which caused an explosion and Shizuka gave the Uzumaki a suplex for good measure. Mito was still standing however and she was ready for round two. This time, she would be facing Daena as well.
''Wanna die, little princess?'' Mito taunted.
''Hmph. I may have the title of princess but unlike you, I can actually give a harmful bite. The real question should be, 'where will I mount the stuffed head of bitch?' cause you're not surviving past tonight, my little lab rat.'' Daena taunted back and as Mito pounced to attack, she summoned a purple portal and out came a spear. The spear hit Mito and caused a pretty big explosion. Chains came to attack Mito and dozens of portals opened. ''Now... let me hear you scream!'' Daena then fired a bombardment of arrows laced with purple fire and it wounded Mito Uzumaki severely. Mito broke free of the chains, only to be kicked in the back of her head by Shizuka who then grabbed Mito's leg and threw her at a boulder.
''Die bastard Uchiha!'' Menma roared in anger as he and the nine masked beasts charged to attack Naruto. The Uchiha took out the Narada and battled his opponents. Naruto moved faster than they could counter and defeated them easily. He threw the snake at Menma and used Fujin to send them away. Purple lightning came to Naruto's hand and he unleashed it in a burst. The humanoid masked beasts and the tiger came to attack Naruto. The Uchiha avoided their strikes and used 'chaos style: heaven fang moon piercer' to cause some serious damage to the beasts. Mito came to attack Naruto and both Shizuka and Daena followed. Menma saw his oppurtunity and went in to take the scroll. Naruto's strikes destroyed Mito's chain and Daena then trapped the Uzumaki. Naruto prepared his strike and so did Shizuka and Daena. They shot their attacks, resulting in a big explosion and Mito was down for the count.
''And that's that. Now where in the blue heck is that bastard Menma?'' Naruto asked.
''Right here!'' Menma had the blood moon scroll along with Kiyomi Uchiha at his mercy. ''You want her alive, then come at me then so that I can kill you!'' Menma flew up and then threw down a 'great spiralling ring' down onto the village and fled.
'Almighty push' Naruto used his rinnegan deva path technique to send the jutsu away. ''We have to save my mother. You guys thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?'' Naruto asked as his wings came to his back.
''Do you even need to ask?'' Daena too had her wings up and Shizuka summoned her Daevite wings. They flew to rescue Kiyomi Uchiha, defeat Menma and possibly return to their own world.
______________________________________-secret base hidden in the mountains-
''You're safe now, mom.'' Naruto told his mother as he along with Daena and Shizuka arrived. As they went to free Kiyomi, Menma came and pounced on Naruto. The two falling down to the river below.
''I'm gonna enjoy peeling your skin from that self righteous face of yours.'' Menma said to Naruto and summoned the nine masked beasts.
''You couldn't even make me sweat a bit, Menma.'' Naruto replied and Shizuka came to face the nine masked beasts while he kicked Menma deep into the mountain.
''Die!'' Menma had activated the mountain's training equipment and then jumped in to battle Naruto. The Namikaze engaged his half brother in taijutsu and Naruto quickly won at that. Menma jumped back and destroyed much of the equipment. As they fell down, Menma made a 'great spiralling ring' and Naruto prepared his chaos style attack. The two hit which caused a big explosion and Menma's cloak and mask were taken out as well. ''Always hidden in your shadows... always compared to you. No one cared about knowing me other than as 'Naruto's half brother'. I always hated you and now... I will kill you once and for all, Naruto!'' Menma called back the nine masked beasts and he summoned the nine tailed fox to attack Naruto. In response, Naruto called out his armored Susanoo.
''That is the Susanoo. Only an Uchiha with the mangekyō sharingan can conjure it. And you need the eternal to be able to reach and stabilise it at the armored stage.'' Kiyomi Uchiha stated. ''Who are you, really, Daena, Shizuka? Tell me the truth. I've seen that masked man with the sharingan and I want to know the truth.''
'Oh maclunkey.' thought Daena.
The Susanoo punched the fox and slashed at it with it's sword of Kusanagi ablaze with chaos style. The fox shot several mini tailed beast bombs at the Susanoo which used the Yata Mirror to defend itself. The secondary arms of the Susanoo threw several yasaka magatama beads and the fox roared in pain. The fox opened it's mouth to create a big tailed beast bomb and Naruto prepared to counter it with his 'Susanoo chaos style gran ray cero'. The two clashed which resulted in the mountain being destroyed. Out of the smoke, the nine tailed fox charged straight at the Susanoo and the Susanoo put the fox in a choke hold. Menma jumped up with a 'great spiralling ring' and Naruto too jumped up. Menma shouted for his half brother to die and the Uchiha dodged the jutsu and then punched Menma hard with a lightning enlaced punch that sent him crashing to the cliff. Menma was unconscious and he fell to the water and the fox was gone.
Naruto flash stepped to the water to confirm if Menma was still conscious. He checked and the Namikaze was not. ''Well that's finished.''
''Not so fast yet, little brother.'' Obito in his ethereal form then flew down and possessed Menma's body. ''There will be no threat to the 'eye of the moon' plan, even if you are family.'' Obito declared and with a kunai in hand, went to attack Naruto. The younger Uchiha dodged the attacks and used the soul ring to blast Menma. The Kamui phasing was negated for now and Naruto jumped and delivered a chaos style attack at Menma. ''I'm not done yet!'' Obito in his ethereal form jumped at Naruto but a kunai thrown by Kiyomi shattered the sharingan eye. Soon, all three of them were engulfed in light and were returning to their own reality.
''Mom, I don't have much time to explain. I am-'' Naruto tried to explain but Kiyomi stopped him.
''I know, Naruto. Daena told me everything. I'm sorry the me from your world was not there to raise you but I know that she'd be proud of the man you became. I know because I am proud of you.'' Kiyomi said and hugged her son.
''I guess this is goodbye then. Thank you for the time you spent with me, mom.'' Naruto embraced his mother as he and the girls returned.
The Naruto Uchiha of the Limited Tsukuyomi world returned. Kiyomi reunited with her son, made amends and they returned home, leaving Menma Namikaze in the water.
______________________________________-in the real world-
''Wait, it's still noon?'' Shizuka asked as they took in their surroundings. It seemed that time itself stopped while they were in the Limited Tsukuyomi world or that time in said alternate reality was faster.
''Whatever the case, we still got a war to win.'' Daena reminded them.
''My lord emperor! My lady princess! I regret to be the bearer of ill news.'' an army lieutenant came to them.
''What is it, lieutenant?'' Naruto asked.
''Grand General Alexander Rukossovsky is dead, my lord. Died from a heart attack.'' the lieutenant informed them. Immediately, the trio rushed to the Grand General's office aboard the G.N.S Chimaera.
(G.N.S Chimaera)
As Naruto, Daena and Shizuka approached the office, the guards opened the door. Inside were Rukh, Daemon, general Guderian and the late general's son, Maximilian. They saw the Grand General lying on the floor, dead. ''This... this wasn't supposed to happen.'' muttered Naruto. The sudden death of the Grand General was not part of the plan. ''Ho-how did this happen?''
''Heart attack. Prolly from the fact that fact that the Grand General smokes and drinks too much I guess.'' Rukh gave his opinion.
''This wasn't part of the plan.'' Naruto muttered. He checked in the Grand General's organs and found much of it severely damaged. Even if he could use the outer path or the soul ring, the organs needed replacing and quick. ''This is calamity.''
''There there, Max. It'll be okay. It'll be okay.'' Daena comforted the grieving son of the late general. A bit funny seeing how Maximilian Rukossovsky was about fourteen years older than the princess yet Daena was three and a half inches taller.
''Naruto, can't you bring the general back to life?'' Shizuka asked her husband.
''Yes but his organs are too damaged. Even if I did, there's no guarantee that he'll live for too long.'' Naruto answered.
''Are you wearing pajamas?'' Daemon asked Rukh.
''... yea.'' replied the assassin.
''Because I act, decisively and with great speed. And also because I barely get enough sleep these days.''
''Out of my way you ffffanies.'' Maekar Blackfyre, head of the secret police, entered through the door. He was taken back by the Grand General lying on the floor. ''Oh shit.''
''Where's the big fella?'' asked Grand Admiral Syn.
''Are we late? Sorry.'' said Sky Marshal Galland as he and the Grand Admiral entered. ''He can't go. Not like this.'' the Sky Marshal got down and grieved for the Grand General.
''I think we should take him to the medical ward.'' Naruto suggested. ''Okay, uh... Grand Admiral, you take the head. The rest will move to the sides, the arms and the legs.''
''Why do I get the head?'' asked Grand Admiral Syn.
''Because you're the head of the navy.'' Naruto retorted. They all them lifted the Grand General's corpse and started moving. ''Daena, Shizuka, get the door.'' Naruto ordered and they moved out of the office and to the hall.
''By the soil of Magog, he's heavy.'' the Grand Admiral complained.
''Is that a complaint, I hear?'' Maekar Blackfyre asked.
''No, no, no. It should be a compliment. Gold is heavy.'' Sky Marshal Galland interfered.
''Of course you know. You looted enough of it ya saucy little pirate.'' General Guderian said and they shared a light chuckle. They reached the medic wing and put the late Grand General down. ''I still have a fucking tomato in my pocket.'' the general muttered as he threw the squished tomato down.
''General Maximilian Rukossovsky, your father is dead. If you want to take a temporary leave to mourn for your father then-'' Naruto said to the general who shook his head no.
''With all due respect, my lord emperor, this is my father's last war. As his son, I should honor him and win it for him.'' the general said.
''I will respect your decision. The doctors will take care of your father from this moment but right now, I want every unit on high alert and to be ready for battle.''