Chapter 37 - The Sicilian sunset

Start from the beginning

"No, signor Castelli. I don't plan to have another one. Especially after watching those birth videos last night," I admitted and shivered, remembering the last video I watched. The woman was shouting in pain non-stop. I felt terrified after watching them.

Rick gave me a tender smile as he cupped my cheeks. "Don't be scared. My woman is so strong. And I will be beside you." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"It is easy for you to say. I know it will be painful." I pursed my lips, feeling anxious.

He gave me a compassionate look and pulled me into his arms despite the fact my showing baby bump didn't let us hug each other properly.

"How about epidural?" he suggested, caressing my cheek affectionately.

"No, I want natural birth." I shook my head and added. "I read a lot of articles about it; natural birth is better. Of course, if you don't have any health issues. But don't leave me alone when I give birth," I added, giving him a begging look.

"Of course, I will be there for you." Rick gave me a warm smile and kissed my lips. "And you can curse at me as much as you want like the woman in that video." He grinned impishly. I chuckled, amused. "Come with me," he said, grabbing my hand.

"Where now? We bought maternity clothes, baby clothes and toys."

"Come with him." He gave me a boyish grin and dragged me towards the jewelry shop.

"Is my order ready?" Rick asked the shop assistant firmly as soon as we walked into the shop.

"Yes, it is ready, signor Castelli." She gave him a polite smile and extended a small paper bag towards him. Then they went towards the cashier while I was waiting for them near the exit and rested my hand on my belly when my boy kicked. He was so active today.

After paying, he grabbed my arm, and we left the shop together.

"It is for you." Rick gave me a boyish smile as he extended the paper bag towards me.

I took it curiously and pulled the blue velvet box out of the paper bag.

"Rick...," I mumbled in awe as soon as I opened the box. There was a diamond bracelet in it. It looked so beautiful and elegant.

"Do you like it?" he asked, excited.

"It is so beautiful. Thank you, but... I can't accept it."

"Why?" He frowned.

"It probably costs a fortune," I replied uneasily.

"You are worthy for the best," he stated firmly and took the bracelet. "Let me put it on you," he said softly and grabbed my hand.

"Thank you so much, Rick." I gave him a grateful smile and looked at the bracelet around my wrist.

"You are welcome." He winked at me playfully and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.


After enjoying the local cuisine at one of the best restaurants in Sicily, Rick and I went to famous Mondello Beach. This paradise was just a short distance from Palermo.

My Sicilian and I were walking on the white sand, holding each other's hands while enjoying crystal blue waters. The three bodyguards were following us from a far discreetly, letting us have alone time.

"Who lives here?" I asked curiously as Rick stooped in front of the house near the beach.

"We." He gave me a mischievous grin.

"We?" I raised my eyebrow.

"We will spend this weekend here," he informed me.

"Really?!" I exclaimed happily and hugged him slightly. He chuckled, amused and kissed my temple before leading us towards the entrance.


I was lying against Ricky while watching the movie. Meanwhile, he was resting his hands on my belly. He placed soft kisses on my hair and temple time to time.

I pursed my lips together and sat up as I felt pain in my stomach.

"What happened?" Rick asked, concerned and rested her hand on my back.

"I felt slight pain in my belly," I replied and took deep breathes.

"Let's go to the hospital," he suggested worriedly and stood up quickly.

"No, it passed," I refused and leaned back against the pillow. "Could you bring me a glass of water, please?"

"Of course." He nodded and went to the kitchen in quick steps.

I rested my hand on my belly and stood up carefully. I had to use the bathroom. The most annoying part of being pregnant was that you often needed to pee.

As soon as I left the bathroom, Rick approached me, holding a glass of water in this hand.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly and caressed my cheek affectionately.

"Yes, don't worry." I gave him a reassuring smile and took the glass.

Suddenly, I felt sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed, dropping the glass down, and grabbed Rick's wrist tightly.

"Nessa! What happened?" Rick asked in panic and tried to help me to stand.

I took deep breathes without releasing his wrist and leaned against the wall. A few minutes later, it passed.

"We are going to the hospital. End of the discussion," Rick stated firmly. I nodded anxiously.

The doctor mentioned about these kinds of contractions. It was normal when due date was getting closer, but I was still worried about the baby.

When we went back to the living room, Arturo and other two bodyguards rushed into the living room.

"Sir, we noticed suspicious cars approaching the house. It will be better if you go to the secret passage. I informed Mario; he is coming here with the team," Arturo stated firmly.

"Shit!" Rick exclaimed angrily.

Suddenly, we heard gunshots. Rick grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the hallway while Arturo followed us. Meanwhile, the other bodyguards were shooting back.

As soon as we walked into the secret passage, Rick closed the door quickly. I looked around, resting my hand on my belly protectively while my heart was pounding in fear. There was a bed, desk, the TV and fridge here. There was also another door; probably, it was the bathroom.

"How did they find we are here? No one knew about it," Rick told Arturo while trying to control his anger as much as possible.

"They must be following us."

"They must be following us?! Then where were you idiots looking at?!" Rick shouted at Arturo furiously.

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