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I sprinted down to the hospital when I heard that she was finally conscious. It's been over a month since Freen had been in coma.

I'm so excited that she's finally awake. She pulled through. I know that my baby is strong enough not to die on me.

She won't just leave me hanging like that. I know she won't.


When I got there, Mr Sarocha was talking to her and although she was awake, I didn't see her talking.

She just laid down quietly staring at him. I rushed into the room and hugged her but she didn't hug me back.

She was still a bit weak but she pushed me away, staring at me being all confused but still said nothing.

Soon the doctor came in to check on her. "Doctor? she hasn't said a word since she woke up. Is anything wrong?" Mr Sarocha asked the doctor.

He examined her and took her blood sample to run some test. All the while, she was just staring right at me without saying a word.

She must be really angry with me for what happened. I wanted to apologize but I couldn't find the words. I was too ashamed of myself for not being able to protect her.

Soon the doctor returned. "Doctor what did the tests say?" Mr Sarocha asked eagerly.

The doctor walked up to her and talk to her but she still didn't respond. She just stared at him. He put up one of his fingers and asked her to follow his finger with her eyes, which she did.

He asked her to move her hands and legs and she did. She could move every part of your body but she wasn't talking.

"Nothing is wrong with her physically. She has responded to every single command I have given her, which means she understands what I'm saying." The doctor said after exhaling deeply

"But she's still not saying anything. Doctor what is going on? Doctor please, what's wrong with my daughter" Mr Sarocha asked almost in tears

"I don't know why she's not talking. I'll assume that it's not a physical problem but a psychological problem caused by the gunshot trauma" The doctor responded.

"Is she dumb" I thought to myself. I can't help but allow a tear drop down my cheek and all this while, she continued staring at me deeply almost without blinking.

"We weren't expecting anything to be wrong with her speech organs. We anticipated that she could have partial amnesia because of the trauma but we didn't expect anything to be wrong with her speech." The doctor said also wondering why she isn't talking

"Partial amnesia?" Freen finally said.

Her voice sent chills allover my body. That voice. How I've missed that voice.

A big grin found it's way to face. She is finally alright. I haven't been able to sleep since she got shot. If anything had happened to her, I don't think I'll be able to live on.

"Does that mean I lost part of my memory?" Freen asked trying to understand the situation.

You could talk this whole time?" Mr Sarocha asked her drawing himself closer to her bed.

"If you could talk, why were you just quiet Freen?" He continued

I moved closer to the bed being all happy about her recovery. But then she said;

"I was a bit shocked and surprised. I don't know what happened that landed me in the hospital but before I could ask you, Miss Lawd ran into the ward and hugged me. And with that, my confusion just grow bigger."

"Miss Lawd"? Did she just call me "Miss Lawd"? She has stopping calling me that. Why is she calling me "Miss Lawd" again?

I hated the coldness in her voice while talking about me but I stayed quiet. I didn't know what made her call me "Miss Lawd" but I could hear the hatred in her voice while talking about me.

And the way she looked at me, it's just like when we still hated each other.

"Why are you surprised that I came to visit you in the hospital? It's the right thing for me to do. I mean it's my fault that you got shot and Freen I'm really sorry about that." I finally found my voice and said

"Shot? What do you mean by I got shot? What are you talking about?" Freen asked getting more unease.

"Freen? Don't you remember what happened that brought you to the hospital?" Mr Sarocha asked

"Not really, hence my confusion. I don't know what happened or how I ended up in the hospital.

Last thing I remember, I was at the Cafe having coffee and you called my cell (pointing to her father) and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in a hospital bed.

And she's also here. (Referring to me) seriously, what did you do that led to me getting shot. You only cause trouble and I've done my best to stayed away from you and now I'm in the hospital because of you?

Miss Lawd? please can you just leave me alone. Stay out of my life. I don't want anything to do with you." She yelled.

Those word pierced deeper than a sword, right into my heart. What just happened. Did she forget all about me? Did she forget all about US and the love we shared?

I stood still as tears rolled down. "Freen I'm really sorry. I know it's all my fault. I knew what my father was capable of and I couldn't protected you. I'm really sorry Freen" I said holding her hands but she swiftly withdrew her hands from me.

"What is wrong with you? When di...."

"Freen? You said the last thing you remember is being in a Cafe. Can you remember the day or month? The doctor asked not letting Freen complete what she wanted to say.

"Yeah it's a Tuesday? I was in the Cafe with Shayla. She would be traveling in two days time so we wanted to spend the day together.

It's July. I think it's July 5th or 6th." Freen explained.

"Freen? Shayla travelled last year. July 6th, that was the day I called you to come get Becky be..cause of...."

"...The chaos in my home." I said completing Mr Sarocha's statement.

"That's the day she took me to the cabin. The first time it was just the both of us. With none of us having any authority over the other.

That's last year. Seven months ago." I said as Freen stared with her mouth open in surprised.

July 6th, I can't possibly forget that date. The day that led to all our lovely moments together. But Freen has forgotten all about those moments.

She only remember my unruly and arrogant side. Everything I did to make Freen see me as a nice person has just been washing away.

She only remembers that she hates me more than anything else on earth. She hates me. Freen has gone back to hating me.

To be continued...

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