[Miles Point of View]

"Where are we going?" Alex finally asked after a good amount of time had passed in silence. I was still mad at him for not calling, and at my self for getting so angry. He was just being a teenager, hanging out with his friend after a normal day of school in the center of the safe little town that they had all grown up in. There was no danger, and therefore nothing to get worked up about, yet still it bothered me. And then there was the jealousy that consumed me for the brief moment when Alex told me he was at Ryans. For a minute, I completely forgot who Ryan was, and that they were friends, and that she was a girl. All I could think about was the different ways I would kill anyone if they touched him, even if he wanted them too. I was far to selfish to share.

"Miles, home is the other way," Alex reminded me, bringing me back to the present where I scolded myself for not paying more attention to the road, though there was no one else on the highway.

"I know we're going to Grandma's for dinner." I told him as we pulled into the driveway that was well hidden by tall trees and never dieing bushes that pulled back to revile a nice small home in the center of a large patch of grass where grandma use to raise goats, but only one seemed to have made it. Everyone waited for us inside were my sweet grandmother waited patiently until we were all seated around the long oak table with mountains of food on each plate before beginning the conversation. Like mom and dad had, she asked me about being over seas and about the friends I had made, to which I answered the same, before springing a new one on me.

"You know Mr. Cole's sweet daughter, Lindsey, moved in with him just yesterday and she's been so kind, coming over every day to make sure I'm doing fine and see how old Gigi (the last goat left) is keeping. She use to ask me about you, always wondering if you were going to get married while you were gone. I kept telling her that he would never do that to me, and the he loved his family and wouldn't dare doing something like that without us knowing, but she was persistent, she was. I think that girl has her heart set on you. Now I know what the boys in town say about her, but she's never been anything but kind to me. Why don't you go see her, Miles? Let her know you made it back safe and sound?" Grandma pleaded, causing Alex and I to smile knowingly at one another. Obviously Lindsey hadn't come out of the closet.

"Sure grandma, I'll go see her tomorrow." I told her, mainly just to get off the subject. I had no intention of going to see Lindsey, or any of the girls I use to go to school with. None of them were worth the time. But as soon as I thought this, guilt started to kick in. I guess it wouldn't kill me to make a short stop by Mr. Coles shop; A very short stop.

It wasn't much longer after that that Alex and I were back home, play fighting over a container of pudding in his bedroom, while also trying to get out of our clothes and into some sweats to sleep in. I had one hand on the cup of pudding and the other on the pants, fighting to keep them up when Alex tripped, landing on his ass with pudding all down his chest.

"Damn it, Miles!" he swore, grabbing my tee shirt to whip it off.

"Wait," I fell to my knees and pull his hands aside with my best attempt at a seductive smile as I lowered my head to his belly button, letting my tongue snake its way out of my mouth and onto his bare skin, liking up to his collar bone, enjoy the chocolaty goodness, along with his moan. "Tasty." I teased, moving back slightly to see the tortured pleasure in his eyes before leaning forward again for a kiss.

Alex's Point of View.

We were just playing around, behaving the way brothers are suppose to, until his tongue caressed my chest, sending hot sparks of pleasure through my body till it pooled low in my groin. A soft moan escapade me, causing him to pull back, only to smash his lips against mine, his hands pulling at my body till I was on top of him, strattling his hips as his tongue traced my lips, begging for entrance which I playfully denied, and as punishment for not giving him what he wanted, he lowered his lips to my neck where he bit down, hard. But the pain only added to the pleasure as I slowly began to rock my hips against his, forcing him to groan...

"What are you boys doing in there?" Our mom yelled, from right out side the door, sending us into a frizzy to change our position, but that was hard to do with Miles trying to pull me back against him. I trying to squirm out of him arms, but he had an iron grip, so I had no choice, I had to resort to biting him.

"Ouch, dude, you bite me!" He yelled out as mom entered the room, just in time to watch Miles tackle me back onto the ground in a head lock.

"Oh, Miles be nice to your brother!" Mom laughed joyously, doing nothing to stop the violence, "He's not as strong as you anymore."

"Don't worry mama," Miles assured her proudly, as he stood up to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, "we're just messing around."

"Well, I just came to say goodnight. Don't hurt each other, and try to keep it down?" She asked of us.

"Sure thing mama," Miles replied happily, walking her out of the room and locking the door behind her, then turned to stare at me with a huge, goofy grin, "That was so close."

"Too close, we need to be more careful." I warned as we both retreated to the bed where, just like last night, he held me protectively against his chest.

"Goodnight, Alex." He whispered, leaning down to give me a soft kiss before turning out the lights.


Hey guys, it's Spawn. Sorry it's taken so long for my to continue this story, I'm just having a hard time figuring out where it's going. I would love some feedback and suggestions! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed chapter three!

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