Chapter 14: I Miss You

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"Do you have protection?" That question came out of nowhere. But Wangji did not disappoint. He pointed to the drawer by the bed. "What?! Did you lie to me about being green?" Wei Ying hit him on the chest.

"You often talked about doing this, so I bought them just in case."

"Wow. I guess it's true; I'm a bad influence. I even coerced Gusu's pure jade into premarital sex. Pfft!" It was a harmless laugh but Wangji felt he was staring at the brightest star in the sky.

"I'll do the honours then." Wei Ying broke the condom and fiddled his way around till he got it right. "Alright, now let's make you a sinner." He wrapped his arms around Wangji, rocking himself gently as love and pheromones intertwined.

Wei Ying was ready, he did not hold back. Wangji watched as he grabbed hold of that massive penis and pressed it at the entrance.

*Ring ring ring!*

The atmosphere was disrupted by Wangji's phone. He didn't think about picking up. Why would he when he was about to score with his future wife? He pressed his lips harder against Wei Ying's, tempted to bite a tongue.

*Riiiing Riiiiiing Riiiing!*

This time it was the landline. That too was ignored and the beep went off.

"Wangji, where are you? You're almost late for the ceremony. Father will start soon." Lan Xichen's voice echoed in the room.

Lan Wangji caught the omega's waist at once. "Wait." One look Wei Ying knew something was off. "I was with my family when I got the call. I have to be at the ancestral hall... I cannot show up with impure thoughts."

"What?" Wei Ying was stunned by that excuse. "Well, can't you miss it today?"

"..." Wangji's silence said a lot.

"I suppose it's not worth it." Wei Ying came down from the bed, looking for the clothes he gifted to the floor.

"Wei Ying, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. Go greet your ancestors, I'm sure they've missed you too." Wei Ying picked up his briefs. As he bent over to put it on, Wangji suddenly pulled up behind him. "What now, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying was trying so hard not to blow a fuse. It would be him overreacting in this case.

Lan Wangji held him against the wall. "You're leaking from behind. I'm worried you'll go into a forced heat if I don't relieve your yin energy."

"Great, what are you gonna do, make me meditate to death?" Wei Ying was gradually losing it. Why would Lan Wangji make him like this and then bail at the last minute? But he figured it was a Lan thing and tried to be understanding in his way.

"I'll use my hand," Wangji sounded silly with that request. That left Wei Ying more exasperated.

"If I wanted to get jerked off so badly, I'd buy a fleshlight!" He showed his angry face for a brief moment. "Look, you said you have somewhere to be and I'm stopping you. I will be fine after taking a cold bath- that's if wasting ten more minutes of your time on me won't hurt."

Lan Wangji had no say in the matter once the wild one shut the bathroom door. It looked as if the situation had gone from bad to worse. Fortunately, Wei Ying's temper simmered down when they reached his place. He did not bicker when Lan Wangji kissed him on the cheek and said he would keep in touch. Wei Ying said nothing to him, lest he be deemed a drama queen.



Madam Yu had her husband's luggage packed for the trip. There was a conference of leaders in LanlinJin and it was a must that he attended. Jiang Fengmian wished the lovely devil he married would go with him but Madam Yu was not interested in boring conversations. So the man got crafty. "All the other Madams will be there. You don't want to be left out, do you?"

"Like I give a hoot what those housewives think." Madam Yu was not easygoing.

"Madam Lan will be there... She's become more popular since his sons got into a scuffle with ours." Master Jiang took a breath to create a serious look. "I didn't want to say this but, there are speculations that you avoid joining the conferences because you're ashamed. They think you do not have it in you to show your face after what happened."

"What?" Madam Yu stopped whatever she was doing to give her husband a dreadful stare. "Who do those ugly ducklings think they are? Me, ashamed? Oh ho ho, they have no idea whom they're dealing with... Jingzhu!" Her piercing voice screeched. It didn't take long for her servant to come running. "Get my stuff ready, I'm leaving with my husband." She said.

As his wife grumbled and lashed out at those innocent men and women, Fengmian began to fear he may have gone too far. It looked like his wife was about to start a fire. 'She'll calm down when we get there.' He convinced himself.



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Thanks for reading. Sorry for any grammatical errors. I appreciate all the comments and votes. See you in the next update❤️❤️❤️❤️😘🌟🌟

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