9: Henry+Alex⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Start from the beginning

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Nobody ever saw Alex around when Ellen spoke about gun safety and gun reform. Anything about mass shootings or guns in general were discussed away from him. Though Alex shares most of his mother's views on the topics, he still can't discuss them. He just can't. Alex only talks about that day with his therapist. By the time he reaches twenty-one years old, Alex rarely has ptsd induced anxiety/panic attacks.

That is, of course, until his trip to the hospital when visiting Henry after cakegate. If enry didn't start a conversation in that closet, Alex knows that a panic attack would have happened-which isn't ideal when hiding from a supposed gunman. He never explained his anxiety to Henry. He still doesn't know about Alex's past.

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Henry and Alex are visiting the White house to help prepare for the holidays. The plan is to stay for a week before they return to New York for Alex's final exams. After his last test, the couple plans to return to the white house to rest and relax.

The two wake up late in the day, nearly noon. There aren't many days that their schedules line up, so they enjoy sleeping in together. Today, though, they can hear a quiet murmur rising from where the staff is running about in a fit of chaos. Alex, curious as to the cause of the commotion, looks out his tinted windows. He sees a large crowd forming in front of the white house.

"What's happening?" Henry questions as he pulls a hoodie on over his head.

"I don't know," Alex says, "a crowd of reporters and others is outside."

"Has something happened, then?" Henry asks.

"I don't know," Alex grabs a zip up from his couch and pulls it on, pulling the zipper most of the way up as he runs from the room.

Henry catches up to the first son just as they reach the main work area. Staff members are bustling around as Alex scans for Ellen or Zahra. Just as he spots his mother and is about to approach her, Nora grabs Alex's arm.

"Alex, you shouldn't be here," she says softly. Henry can't completely read the expression on Nora's face, only able to decipher her concern.

"Nora, what the hell's going on?" Alex asks worriedly.

Before Nora can answer, Alex's eyes land on one of the televisions that is playing the news on a low volume.

'Shooting at South Dakota High School.'

Is in big bold letters along the bottom of the screen. Alex's chest tightens as he looks around the room once again. Now he sees the worried faces, the dried tear stains and smeared mascara. He takes a step back as his hand presses against his chest. Even through his skin, Alex can feel his heart race.

"I-I c-c-"

"Alex, just go to your room, okay? Stay with Henry. You are safe," Nora says softly.

"N-No, Nora. I-I-"

"Henry, take Alex away. Now," Henry has never heard her voice so stern.

Before Henry can fully drag Alex back in the direction they came, the first son lets out a scream and falls to the ground. This gets the president's attention immediately. Ellen rushes over, followed closely by Zahra. Ellen drops to her knees by Alex, who is now laying in the fetal position with his hands over his ears. Zahra stands behind the president, her hand hovering over her mouth in shock as tears form in her eyes. Henry, having backed away a bit, rubs his thumb against his opposite palm nervously.

"W-what's happening to him?" Henry questions.

"He's got PTSD," Nora says simply.

"We need to get him out of here," Zahra says softly, "the press will be coming in any minute now."

Henry nods and lifts Alex up. The sounds of his boyfriend whimpering and crying break Henry's heart as he rushes towards the bedroom. Nora follows closely behind, knowing that Ellen and Zahra can't.

"Nora, why is this happening?" Henry asks as he places Alex on the bed.

"Uhm," Nora fights inside her mind anxiously, "you know how he never speaks of high school, right?"

"Yeah," Henry responds, "when we talk about Texas, he talks about pretty much everything but school."

"Well, that's because in his junior year, there was a shooting," Nora says softly, "at his school."

"W-what?" Henry knows that gun control is a real issue in America, but never in a million years thought this.

"Y-yeah. I wasn't as close with him as I am now, but it kind of messed everyone up. Everyone's worldview changed. Ellen directed focused on gun control in the campaign. Oscar fights for it as well. June constantly writes pieces on it. Alex is the only one who doesn't speak about it. None of us know what exactly happened that day. We only know what's in the news. He doesn't talk about it."

Henry sighs as he processes this information. He is sitting next to Alex on the bed, running his fingers through his boyfriend's curls. He wipes some rogue tears away before letting out a quiet gasp, "the hospital."

"Yeah," Nora says quietly, "Amy and Cash told us about that. cash was very worried about Alex."

By now, Alex's cries have become quiet whimpers and hiccups. Nora and Henry are partially startled when he sits up, climbing onto Henry's lap with a content sigh.

"You alright?" Nora asks softly.

"Mmhmm," Alex nods, "just need Henry."

"You've got me," the prince says, "I'm here and your safe, sweetheart.

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A/N: I truly wonder how Henry would react to the first news story of a shooting after he moves to NYC. I feel like he'd be devastated and question why it just rolls off everyone else's backs. Like why is he the only one surprised? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this.

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