October 2nd - Dusk Til Dawn [Ghost Smoker x F!Reader] {Erotic Romance}

Start from the beginning

"Hmm, Smokie, what should I make for dinner?"

It had been a few months, and you were not sure when you started speaking to him as if he were standing next to you, but it was more comforting than being alone in your apartment. Smoker still made his presence known at times, and on occasion knocked things over in front of you. Like now, when he knocked over a box of spaghetti noodles from the open pantry. If this had happened when you first moved in, it would have frightened you, maybe even caused you to pack up and leave. Now it just made you feel exasperated.

"No, I am not eating chicken spaghetti three nights in a row. I don't care if you like it."

You weren't even sure if he actually liked it, as you never heard the man's voice, and not having a corporeal form meant he could not actually consume it. However when you turned around, there was already a pot of water boiling on the stove. When did he even grab the pot?

After some time arguing with the manspirit, you gave in and finally made chicken spaghetti, but only a small portion, while you made yourself something else entirely. It was only after you had put it on it's own plate and sat it at the seat of your small dining table across yours, did you realize what you were actually doing.

You sighed desperately, running your hands through your hair as you hung your head. "I need to start getting out of the apartment more."

Working from home and being rather new to the area had led you to the realization you had not socialized much, especially since your only real companion outside of work was spectral. You took it upon yourself to start getting out there. Two of your coworkers worked in town, and you began going out to the movies or dinner with them at least two nights a week, much to Smoker's dismay.

He always seemed agitated when you would mention meeting up with your coworkers. Not that it was really his business, and a part of you felt crazy for entertaining the feelings of a ghost at all. When you would start doing your hair or makeup, he would turn off the lights, even when you taped the light switch in the on position. As you'd prepare to leave, Smoker would knock something over. The first few times, you would stop, come back in, and clean it up, but you had started to just walk away from his temper tantrums after a while.

It was like having a cat, but worse.

You began trying to appease Smoker just to keep some peace in the apartment. Cooking lots of dishes with chicken and setting a plate out for him when you did eat at home, leaving the news channel on for him when you would go out, and even subscribing to a few extra newspapers. It worked for a time, he seemed to stop being so upset when you would leave. That was until you met someone.

On one of the nights out, you met a nice gentleman whom you could easily describe as having swept you off your feet. You spoke highly of him, even in front of Smoker, and you noticed that the spirit began to act strange. Mentioning the man's name caused Smoker to knock things over, and when you were getting ready for your first date, he kept turning off the electricity in the bathroom so you could not get ready. You came home that night to all of the lights out in the apartment as well, only to find out Smoker had shut off the whole building somehow.

When the gentleman and yourself started to become more serious, you had invited him to your place, only for Smoker to go full poltergeist and scare the man out of your apartment and out of your life. It became the pattern for a while: you'd meet a man, Smoker would throw his fits, then scare them off.

You lay in bed one night, sobbing to yourself in your loneliness. Because of your dead roommate's behavior, you had stopped bringing men back to your apartment. However, it did not stop the fact that they became more spectral than Smoker, literally ghosting you after a few dates. It made you wonder if Smoker's behavior was even the problem in the first place.

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