Darkness Falls (Chapter 6)

Start from the beginning

Robbie struggles. "I can't breathe dude!?"

More guys come over and Venessa is quickly overcome. She didn't want to use magic against them because right now they were under the impression she was just a normal teenager and if they were tormenting creatures she didn't want to be on that list.

The men had taken the fur coats and the flash lights as well as Robbie's phone and wallet. They were tied with their hands bound behind them they were shoved into a cage where they were locked in and left. The cage sat up on a wooden pallet on a stage of sorts and had dry blood all over the bottom. The two sit themselves up.

"What is this cage for?" Robbie asks, looking at all the blood smeared everywhere.

"Creature fights." the guard says. "Don't worry, we still plan to feed you to the vampires as soon as it becomes night time. They don't eat when the sun is out."

"I'm sure that's the reason." Venessa mumbles rolling her eyes. Vampires fear the sun but they can suck blood any time of the day, not just at night.

Robbie huffs. "I'm starting to get worried about how often I'm going to end up captured since we met." he says to Venessa.

She turns toward him. "Sorry this was my fault. We shouldn't have come here without backup."

He shakes his head. "No, we both came here. You're right though we should have gotten help before we came."

The guard didn't seem to hear the two talking or he didn't care. Venessa lights a small fire on the end of her ties and burns the ropes a bit then she pushes her hands toward Robbie. "Pull this."

He nods and grabs the rope and pulls it off and she unties herself. Then she unties Robbie. The two are still locked in the huge cage but at least they could move around again.

Robbie frowns slightly. "So what should we do now?"

"We need to tread carefully. Both of us together aren't strong enough to fight against an entire camp of hunters." She says looking around. "I imagine those shipping containers house several types of creatures. What could they possibly want with all of them?"

The guard decides now is the time for a big villain speech about their plans. "I'm glad you asked." He says with a smirk. "I've always wanted to give a big villain speech." He points towards the containers. "Each one has a different set of creatures in them."

"But why?!" Venessa asks.

The guy chuckles. "Proof that monsters are real is just one of the things we count on to pay our bills." He says. "First find the hotspots. Second, build a base. Third, prove to the nearby towns that monsters are real and then have them pay our insane rates so they can feel safe again."

"How would you prove they were dangerous?" Robbie says. "Creatures usually aren't hostile."

"Starve them and then let them go in the center of town. A few deaths is really all it takes for people to come beg us for help.

Venessa growls. "You monsters!?" She grabs the bars and shakes them. "You won't get away with this?!?"

"We've been getting away with it for years." He says. "You think you kids are going to stop us?"

At that moment another guy comes up holding a book and he shows it to the guard who thumbs through it. "Really?" He raises an eyebrow. "These kids are hunters too?"

Robbie scoffs. "Please, I have some class. Not like you people." He grumbles. "I only kill it if it's attacking me."

The two come over to the cage bars. "So what if you're just a researcher then why were you coming to our camp?"

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