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"Seriously?" I said bursting into laughter when my father told me that Becky and I were actually dating and that is why I got shot.

"Wait! wait!! Wait!!! let me get this straight. Did she blackmail me? Or did she blackmail you?

What would make me date that beast of burden. Was I stupid or under some kind of spell?  Because I know that I will never ever date BECKY LAWD." I said still laughing

To be honest, I found it funny if not anything else. Why will I, in my right senses date Becky? She's the devil in human form.

So arrogant, rude, selfish, entitled... Seriously, words cannot describe how much I hate her. And yet we became a couple?

Someone must have messed with my brain real bad but now that I'm back to my senses, nothing of that sort would ever happen again.


After getting discharged from the hospital, I stayed at home for few weeks recovering before finally returning to Wellington Gold University.

Almost everything for this past seven months seemed unbelievable and unrealistic to me and that includes Wellington Gold University.

I mean Seriously? "WELLINGTON" I can't believe I'm a student of Wellington Gold.

But if I really dated Becky then it's possible that I also got into Wellington Gold University.

Cause dating Becky is the impossible but it happened.


When I finally returned to campus. I checked into my dorm which I was told that I never used since I spent all my time with Becky.

But now, I have to stay as far away as possible from that manipulative bitch.

I went to my room and truly, my roommate was comfortable using the entire room as her own.

She was shocked to see me. "You're here" she said as she quickly removed her stuffs from my side of the room.

"Hi, I'm Carmen, I'm sorry about the mess. I didn't think you'd come here. Not that I'm complaining but you never stepped foot in this dormitory before. So I was just surprised.

And also, there are so many rumours about you."

She got me at "rumours" What can I say, I want to know everything about ME these past seven months.

"Really? What kind of rumours?" I asked

"That you died and wouldn't be coming back to Wellington."

"Wow!! They must really hate me if they've started spreading such rumours without confirming If I'm really dead first. I was never bad to anyone was I?"

"No. Of course not. You were nice to everyone and because of you, Miss Becky Lawd was also nice to us.

I guess you made her a better person. But you're here now. Does that mean the both of you are no longer together?" Carmen asked curiously.

She wanted me to spill some gossip and so I just ignored her question.

I didn't know that my relationship with Becky would be public even in Wellington.

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Where stories live. Discover now