PTM 7 | burning down bridges [PART TWO] - LUCK

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"You kinda' hard to miss." Champion emphasized whilst taking a quick glance at her right wrist that was swathed with the small, bright diamond bracelet that was always stagnant in place. The bracelet wasn't the only factor of identification that he'd gotten used to seeing, and in reality, anyone that knew her would have been able to point her out in a heartbeat. She wasn't the best at blending in, and obviously she was aware of the fact because she ended up smiling as a result of his response. She tossed the blue paint bottle into the small basket sitting on the floor before she nodded her head up at him. "I took a lil' guess too." he pressed on.

"Yeah? Good guess." she praised him with an attachment of some light laughter. "Do you recall that conversation we had over text the other day? The one about coincidences?" Chanala asked him while bending down to lift the shopping basket from the floor. She thrusted her phone into her back pocket to free up her hands. "I think that this might be one of those moments. A funny coincidence. I was just about to send you a text before you appeared." She took a lengthy glance over at the store shelf that was stocked with hundreds of pigmented paints before she skipped straight to asking the questions sitting within her mind: "What's your plans for the rest of the night? Anything fun?" She raised both of her eyebrows. "Exciting? Time-sensitive?"

There was always a strategic amount of mystery behind the sentences that she spoke. She never said too much. She never said too little. Her questions were simple, yet Champion's brain completed an automatic deep cleaning of the clutter loaded up inside of it, and just like that, he had all of the time in the world to kill. Not even his phone ringing in his hand could remind him of all the shit he had to do. The real cool lean that Chanala held against the shelf compelled him to conclude that trimming their conversation short would be a wasted opportunity. That led to him putting his phone on silent, and supplying her with a rather discreet answer: "Nah, not really."

"Not really?" she repeated, tilting her head questionably. "That has to be one of the most unsure answers I've ever heard you give me. I'm aware that your time is precious and I'd hate to be the one to waste it, so I'll make this quick." she lifted up two paint bottles and looked between them before looking up at him. "Silver or Gold?" she quizzed him with a short multiple choice question. 

"Tell me what you plan on usin' the paint for." he said, showcasing that time wasn't an issue for him. "Then, I can give you a solid answer."

"Fair. I have an idea for a project in mind. It isn't official yet, but I usually like to get a small feel for the colors I want to work with before puttin' everything into motion. You may know how all of that goes, so that's why I feel that you're the perfect person for me to talk to about this," As she stepped out of the way of the first person that happened to join them in the aisle, she decided to take a leap and say, "Since you're not really busy, I was hoping that you'd be able to share some of your artist genius with me. It would be greatly appreciated of course."

Chanala wasn't sure what his response would be, and she didn't want to step ahead of herself and assume that it would be 'yes'. Truthfully, she just wanted to talk to him. Sit with him. Be in his presence. She didn't know it yet, but Champion had his answer prepared far before she expressed her objective. Consequently, feelings of sharp exhilaration hit her like a moving train when he nodded his head to confirm his answer, which was: "Fa' sure. I got you."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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