
"Ah, well done," she smiled sweetly at the newcomer, letting her eyes twinkle through her semi-rimmed glasses, "we're here from the Home Office."

'Bullshit,' the parrot squawked, gaining another wide eyed glare from Evelyn as she slowly turned her head in its direction, discreetly handing over the camera to Jonas in his hands.

"Here checking on, uh, security protocols," he continued, turning on the camera with a small drilling noise, "and, um, taking a few pictures, so smile." The light of the camera flashed in the man's eyes, momentarily blinding his sight, then swung a fist to his face, sending the man toppling back.

"What are you doing here?" A new voice commented as it entered through the same door the first man had previously entered. Jonas slammed the metal door onto the person, trapping him while the bird chattered loudly.

"What's going on?"

The door behind her opened.

Jonas was one step ahead of her, though.

He bolted past her, ramming his body into the small group and falling down the stairs altogether. Her legs acted on their own, taking off behind him and jumping over a pile of groaning bodies as she somehow placed her glasses in her bag without missing a beat.

They got what they came for, now it was time to get out, preferably alive.

They ran between the shipping containers, before someone intercepted them, giving away their location and forcing the two to backtrack away.

Jonas jumped onto one's back while Evelyn swerved around them in pursuit. He kicked one aside, clearing the passageway and continued to run.

Someone came running from the other end, holding a pickaxe in their possession. By then, Evelyn had caught up to the man and shoved him into some containers, hearing a loud bong as his head crashed into them.

Surely they must have gotten the attention of the entire ship at this rate.

However, goons cornered them left and right, spawning from all three possible exits, all with weapons on their person making it an unfair fight. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Jonas checking his watch, figuring out how much time they had left. She readied herself into a stance, inhaling deeply as she scanned each and every one of the enemy.

It was so small she would have missed it, but he gave a signal, and the two separated.

She blocked an fist coming to clash with her, ducking low as a wide metal rod swooped over her. She stuck out her leg and spun, sweeping the man off his feet with such force that he dropped the rod onto the floor with a loud clattering sound. She lunged after it, picking it up just in time to knock someone aside as they lurched for her.

A cry of outrage escaped her lips when her hair was pulled back, having her stumble into a strong set of arms, yanking her own arms behind her back and leaving her vulnerable. She hissed through her teeth once the cold, hard texture of the rod left her hands, leaving them bare.

The first man got back up to his feet and reeled his fist back, catching her in the face as her head snapped to the side. "Think you're so tough now," he seethed at her, massaging his jaw with a grimace, "you fight like a wimp."

Another cuff had her seeing stars, while the metallic tang of copper filled her mouth. She spat out the residue, face burning due to the blood rush and her vision tinged red. Her boot mashed down hard upon the man's heavy duty boots, her head lurching back to hit the man square in the face.

His grip on her lessened, even if it was for a little bit.

Using the man's strength, she lifted her leg up just as the first man lunged once more, catching her combat boot in his stomach and keeling over in agony. Her leg shot out once more, punting the man. His head was knocked aside, and he collapsed.

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