
Mingyu took a few steps into the lake, his eyes like a Blue flashlight in the dark. To his surprise, the lake wasn't as cold as he thought it would be, or maybe it was something his manifested wolf spirit helped him feel. Water was up to his knees when his eyes fell back lingering at the boy in his arms, his breaths hot, panting, gasping for air against his chest with no more energy to fight back. Mingyu was just glad he was at least still alive.

Mingyu took a few more steps into the water, it was now going up to his hips, a couple other steps and it reached his torso. He closed his eyes and prayed to the Moon that the water wouldn't be too cold for the human boy in his arms as he kneeled a little submerging both of them under the vibrant waves.

Around them, the water seemed to have created a protective circle. Right under the moonlight, their bodies were merely nothing but dark shadows in the night.

Mingyu breathed in the cold air gritting his teeth as he felt the boy move in his embrace. The human boy moved his hand up, in a final attempt to stop whatever Mingyu was doing to him, and pressed his palm lightly against Mingyu's chest ''N-no'' he whispered, his voice cracking up and vanishing too quickly, too tired to say anything else ''L-et me d-die''

''I'm sorry but I can't'' Mingyu mumbled not even sure if the boy was able to hear him, Wonwoo was neither conscious nor strong enough to keep his own eyes open and it made Mingyu's heart twitch at his agony.

The dim moonlight covered both of their silhouettes and the human boy's face was blissfully decorated with droplets of water, skin glistening under the light in a soft gleam as Mingyu submerged both of them further into the deep cold lake waters. There's nothing short of perfection in his form, Mingyu hugged him even closer, his eyes never leaving the boy's face.

The human looked rumpled up and exhausted but luckily ... unbothered.
The water was slightly vibrating around them, and the aura was different, Mingyu's aura was different, his scent covered the place and probably reached the house because soon enough, almost everyone was piled up at the main entrance.

The atmosphere smelled of soft earthly oud, probably Mingyu's, pleasant and relaxing but at the same time their Alpha's anxiety and worry were radiating even when their healer was so close by his side. Jeonghan tightly held onto his mate, burring his head in his neck breathing in his scent and trying to calm his own worried breaths down.

A new spirit was never to be trusted, Mingyu was literally just experimenting right now, this might cause both of them to drown or .. who knows what Mingyu's spirit is capable of.

The boy's palm slowly dragged itself away from Mingyu's chest leaving him with a tingling sensation, his fingers soft and slender against his ribs and dumbed shirt sticking to his body.

He was still panting, catching a difficult breath after another but seemed to have calmed down, his eyes barely open but awake. Mingyu didnt move, standing as still as possible, his own breaths steady and focused.

The water rampaged at his sides creating small waves hitting his abdomen, he was unbothered, he actually liked it. The water felt like a child tagging at his shirt, he closed his eyes for a second and he heard whispers, he couldn't focus on what the whispered said and the moment he opened his eyes, they were gone. Again, his eyes almost instinctively fell on the panting boy, his cheeks flushed and the shivering seemed to calm down.

"What's your name?" Mingyu asked hoping for an answer, hoping that he was aware enough to hear him but the boy didn't even flinch, his finger tagged along Mingyu's shirt again

"K-kill me pp-lease" his voice barely above a whisper, hot air leaving his lips to create a small puff visible in the dark. Mingyu swallowed hard getting rather frustrated with his request

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