While we took another turn, I noticed a black SUV following behind.

"That's the security escort." Silvano's voice reached my ears.

Right. Security.

So, the SUV that followed behind Luca's car was another group of security.

I was really curious to know what he did in life. I wanted to know the background of the man my father sold me to.

Why did he need so many security guards?

I heavily exhaled, relaxing in the seat as I watched all the other cars darting beside us. The road was busy. The sunset was almost over, indicating that people were getting off work and heading home.

After what seemed to be an hour of torturing silence, the car slowed down in front of the hotel owned by Luca. Silvano got off the car and opened the door for me.

I stepped out, noticing two security guards getting off the SUV and opening the truck to take inside the luggages.

"Enjoy your evening, Mrs Angelini." Silvano said his goodbye with a smile on. I reciprocated and followed behind the two security guards, who were already inside.

I saw them dropping the things in front of an elevator before they quickly disappeared.

Beside the luggages stood a short woman in her fifties whose brown eyes brightened up at my sight.

She was dressed in a white t-shirt, a pair of loose navy trousers and she had on a pair of slippers. Her brownish hair was pulled into a mid ponytail.

"Signora Angelini!" She greeted me with a warm smile that made me immediately relax.
(Mrs Angelini | Italian.)

"Mi chiamo Romina. Sono la governante dell'attico di suo marito." She introduced herself.
(My name is Romina. I'm your husband's housekeeper | Italian.)

I noticed how both Silvano and Romina didn't stretch their hand during the introduction. I was expecting them to do that out of habit, but for me it was okay like that. I didn't like to be touched by strangers.

"Nice to meet you, Romina." I greeted back.

"Luca asked me to show you around. Please, come in." She said, placing her card in front of the elevator touch button, which made the elevator's door open.

When I saw Romina leaning down to take the luggages in her hands, I quickly stepped ahead, helping her. She sent me a genuine smile.

"Thank you. I never understand why the guards leave the things down instead of taking them upstairs." The woman commented once inside the elevator.

She used her card once again before she pressed the letter P.

This was the same elevator I took that time I followed Luca to his penthouse. It was a private elevator that had only three letters as buttons.

G for Garage.
L for Lobby.
P for Penthouse.

I've been to the three places already, and the idea of Luca's entire private garage with tons of cars in it still stupefied me. I mean, it wasn't surprising the fact he owned many cars.

What was shocking is that the garage was almost larger than the hotel. Where did the other people parked if he took all the underground space for himself?

"I left the code to use the elevator on the nightstand in your bedroom. The only people that know the code are me, Luca, and now you. But only you and Luca are allowed to use the code. The rest of the stuff allowed upstairs can access the penthouse with this card." She waved the white card she used earlier.

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