21. The Tournament

Start from the beginning

~scene skips back to Kiyoshi~.

Kiyoshi: Come see Roonie it is an object with a string that when thrown comes back.

Roonie: Uh my prince, that's a yo-yo.

Kiyoshi: A yow-yow. I must have it...

Roonie: of course. I'd like to have that please.

Shop owner: okay ma'am.

Kiyoshi had already strode off but stopped and hid when he saw some royal carriages.
He saw a pretty girl inside which he immediately knew was his stupid cousin whose infatuated with him, yet thinks he's a slave.

Immediately she was on the castles premises she jumped out of the carriage and took in a deep breath before screaming, "slave boy Kiyo, show your self. I'm back".

He rolled his eyes walking away shocked that she still remembered the some how name he told her when he was a kid, and walked away unnoticed.

He then saw a boy crying😭, he looked away like it was nothing and tried to walk away but sighed when he couldn't ignore him.
He was quite glad since he was in disguise, he wore a gigantic white robe too not let his muscles show and covered his hair and ears with a a material just so he couldn't get noticed.

Kiyoshi: Umm hey little Boy.
*He softly said*.

He sniffled looking up with tears in his eyes and almost got startled.
"D...da...dad. your here".

Kiyoshi: Yeah... wait a minute dad.

The boy quickly hugged him clinging onto his.

"Daddy. Daddy. Why did you leave me".

Kiyoshi: What'da , why does this kid think I'm his dad what's going on...
What do I say... what do I say...
Um kid I'm not your-.

"Daddy I don't know where we are,how did I get here and how did you know I was here, Where's mummy and Sister Miyu, and brother
Itsuki I don't know what's going on....

Kiyoshi: Hey hey your really annoying you know.
I'll help you find your dad just quit crying and bugging me and yes you can call me your father for the time being but keep a low profile your already drawing to much attention.
Aye I lost Roonie, what do I do now.
I don't even know where I am either, Urgh we just have to walk around till we find the tornament ground, it's starting soon.

"Huh". The boy tried to say more but Kiyoshi carried him in his arms and walked away.

<[Akira: who's the kid]>.

<[Miyako: Aww his so cute and cuddly, but wait a minute isn't that a cap on his head that writes Tokyo. And he is even dressed moderny, plus
I thought Tokyo hasn't developed yet]>.

<[Fate: it hasn't, something fishy is going on]>.

Kiyoshi: Are You hungry.

Boy: Of course daddy I'm so hungry.

Kiyoshi: Great sit here and eat this sushi.
He said sitting him on a chair in a restaurant filled with many  sushi 🍣on his table.
He planned on snicking off and leaving the boy there like he never met him.

But immediately he turned around he was done eating everything.

Kiyoshi:😲. How how how did you....

Boy: I'm done eating daddy.

Kiyoshi: But but.

Boy: let's go find mummy.
*The boy gets up leaving him astonished*.

Roonie turns around but no prince.
Roonie: My prince my prince...
She panicked running around and bumps into a woman who fell.
She dressed all disguised and all wearing glasses and hats and coats and scarfs.

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