"I called to her, I called her Destiny and she came over" I admitted

"You're kidding me?" Rosie laughed "You're weird"

"How so?" I asked

"Well not weird so much as similar. Arianna's horse is called Fate. Are you sure you aren't some stalker?"




"Who is it?" I called out as I was deciding what to wear to dinner

"Who do you think it is... It's your personal butler" Charlie laughed as he opened the door "Um, do you want me to leave?"

I looked down to see myself only in my bra and undies "Oh right sorry, no, stay... What do I wear to dinner?"

"Don't worry about it, I see Lea, Rosie and Aria in the same things so I'm used to it... unfortunately" He shivered before walking over and pulling out a dress. "This. Oh, our dinners are like you are going out to dinner. We get lightly dressed up when we have guests"

I looked at the golden, cap sleeved

 dress and sighed "If this is what you wear to dinner, I need more clothes... That's my fancy dress and I can't wear this every night"

"That's why we have siblings. Everyone knows you are here, so maybe if you become friends with Aria, you can borrow her clothing" Charlie laughed "She doesn't make friends with people in your position."

"My position?"

"Avalon impersonation" he shrugged "So Destiny huh? It's a pretty name for the horse"

"Yea? I think so to" I said stepping into the dress, Charlie zipped me up and I stepped into some black heels, George came in earlier and pinned my hair and did more 'natural' make-up which I ended up just washing off "How's this look?"

"Like a family member" He told me honestly "Here, I can hear everyone coming. Come to the door and see what they are wearing". We looked through the crack in the slight opening of the door; they were all wearing the style Charlie said that they wear. Fancy. "Told you, now let's go eat"

I walked out and caught the eye of Lucas "Hey, you're the newbie right?"

"Newbie has a name Luke" Charlie defended me

"Well I can't remember Newbie's name" Luke announced

"Maybe you should have asked Newbie for her name!"

"I was going to but you got in the way from me asking Newbie!"

"Um, Newbie is right here" I said pointing to myself "And Newbie

is hungry, maybe you can take Newbie for some food?"

Luke and Charlie looked at each other, then to me and then they both laughed "No-one ever does that" Charlie told me

I raised my hand to my face "Oh my god. I so just embarrassed myself... again"

"No, it was good! It shows a sense of humour" Luke smiled and linked arms with me so did Charlie.


At dinner everyone had their own conversations as dinner was being placed on the table. Roast pork with hot, fresh bread rolls, salads, and some foods I don't even know what they are. We sat there with the food in front of us for a good three minutes while everyone just talked, but I heard my name every few seconds and Arianna sat across from me with a blank face just staring at me. Observing every movement I made, I sat there stunned at how much we looked alike. We had every feature the same except my few additions with piercings, my ears had many piercings, and eight studs crawled up my left ear and five on my right with three at the lobe, one at the cartilage and one on my tragus.

I have a small silver nose stud and a plain belly bar. I was standing out with the amount of piercings I had, but then 'Pop' stood up and held his cup in the air "I would like to make a toast" he said as everyone hushed almost immediately and all raised their glasses, I copied Rosie's movements and remembered some from movies "I would like to thank Elvira for coming and staying in our humble abode. I wish to thank all of you who have made her stay welcome so far and made her feel like a friend rather than a stranger. Also I wish to announce that our dear 'Lilly Loner' Horse now has a name, 'Destiny', and it does suit her. I hope everyone enjoys their meal and enjoy their nights" We took a sip and he sat down.

But before we could eat, Dalliance stood up "I wish to ask Elvira to make a quick statement, or toast on her time here so far" she asked before sitting down with a bitchy smirk slapped across her face which I am very familiar with.

I stood up and smiled to everyone "Um, I don't really know what to say. Thank you I guess. Charlie, for being a friend, Luke for understanding my humour and Rosie for giving me the opportunity to meet the horses" I said before nodding to Charlie lightly to see if it was good enough, two thumbs up, and I sat down.

We began to eat and my mouth watered, I didn't want to look up at Aria but I glanced over once and saw our proportion sizing was identical, so was the way we hold our knives and forks; we drank the same way and even ate the same way, but, like all royals, she knew which knife and fork to use and actually had table manners. 'And they thought I was a stalker then... what will they be thinking now?' I asked myself

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