Sam, still flying outside the plane, ordered, "Redwing, engage."

Redwing disengaged from Sam's suit and flew towards the plane. A laser appeared and started burning a door in the side of the plane.

Vasant groaned as he was punched.

The door flew off and Sam entered, instantly punching the men.

Bullets ricocheted and the pilot, who got shot, slumped over. Engines whirred and the plane flew on its own.

Sam knocked out the last guy as a beeping sounded.

"Captain Vasant?" Sam called, walking up. "Let's get you out of here."

Sam grunted as he was kicked and turned to face his attacker.

The two exchanged punches and kicks. Sam brought out his wings and was knocked into a pile of boxes.

Torres, looking through his binoculars again, called "Sam?"

A man zipped up his jacket, picked up Vasant, and tied him up. He shot at Sam before propelling from the plane with Vasant attached to him and Vasant screamed.

Georges continued shooting at Sam, who had wrapped his wing around himself to deflect the bullets.

He put his helmet on and dove out of the plane. Sam immediately went after him. He fell out of the plane and deployed his wings.

Torres, still watching through his binoculars, cried, "Oh!" He laughed.

Sam dove after Vasant who screamed.

One of the men turned and started shooting at Sam.

Sam avoided the gunshots and rounded his attacker. He pulled the man's parachute and the man screamed.

Sam chased the men through a valley, avoiding obstacles. As he flew through a narrow passageway, his wings scraped the sides and he grunted. He managed to get through the narrow passage.

A helicopter approached and a machine gun began firing.

Sam flew to avoid the gunfire and said, "Redwing, get 'em off our ass!"

Redwing's weapons deployed and he shot the shooter, causing the man to scream and the helicopter exploded.

Sam avoided pillars once again, still getting shot at.

He pulled a man from the helicopter with his grappling hooks.

The helicopter exploded and Redwing latched himself back into Falcon's suit.

Falcon flew after a man who landed in another helicopter. The man attacked Falcon, who grunted. Falcon, in return, punched the man, who also grunted, then grunted again as he was thrown into a pillar.

Falcon paused a moment, then flew off.

"Keep going," Georges ordered. "We're close!" He pulled another man closer by grabbing his shirt. "If we get to that border, he's not gonna follow."

A clicking sounded and Falcon, who had flown in and was sitting, asked, "What's up?" He punched a man who grunted.

Someone shot Falcon's jetpack and he grunted. He punched a man out who screamed as he fell.

"No!" another man yelled as he fell.

Falcon elbowed a man, who grunted and reared back. He climbed out of the helicopter and kicked a man back before falling. A beep sounded as he threw a bomb on the bottom of the helicopter and it exploded.

Another beep sounded, alerting Falcon of a 'THRUSTER MALFUNCTION' as he flew after another man.

"All right, heads up! You're about to fly into Libyan airspace," Torres warned.

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