"I'm glad Ginny"

Annie glanced from Luna to her mother back and forth noting the strikingly obvious similarities between the mother and daughter due. From their silky platinum hair, piercing cold blue eyes and their dream like states. She adored Luna, she was the sincerest and most compassionate and refreshing person she ever met.

The two witches bonded over their loss of parents or in Luna's case a mother. Annie was glad she had a friend like her.

Annie, Ron and Hermione sit together, at their usual compartment. Hermione has a book entitled Advance Rune Translation open on her lap, while Ron lets Annie's invisibility cloak play through his fingers.

Annie: [Brows furrowed, seemingly focused] Don't you see, it was a ceremony.... An initiation of sort

Hermione: [Sighing] Stop, Annie, I know where you're going with this --

Annie: It's already happened. He's one of them.

"I knew she wouldn't let that go" exclaimed Rabastan "She's definitely going to start poking around until she got all the answers she needs"

"There's no such thing as a ceremony" sighed Rodolphus "You're in, you're in, there's no welcoming party"

"First you stalked me and then you couldn't stop thinking about me?" Draco couldn't help but tease her a little "Color me flattered"

"I did not stalk you, for Merlin's sake! You're flattering yourself"

"Sure you didn't"

Ron: One of what?

Hermione: Annie is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater.

Ron: [Snorting] You're barking. What would You-Know-Who want with a sod like Malfoy?

Annie: [Glaring him] So what's he doing in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture? What were they doing to him?

Ron: It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke.

"I am not creepy!" Draco defended glaring daggers at Ron "Although I do agree that it is a creepy shop" his tone was lower, sadder, regretful even. He scratches at his mark subconsciously, remembering what he was tasked with during that year.

He wasn't going to sleep for a while after this movie that was guaranteed. 

Annie: Look. His father's a Death Eater. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it. With her own eyes.

Hermione: I told you. I don't know what I saw.

Annie: [Sighing in disbelief. She rises, snatches the cloak from Ron's hands and opens the door] I need some air.

"Ten galleons says she's going to do something reckless and it involves Malfoy" spoke Fabian confident in his own words. Sure of it even.

"You're on, brother. You're on"

A blood-red sun shimmers through the windows, staining the interior a deep scarlet. Students read, play cards, and chat among themselves. In one compartment, Crabbe and Goyle slumber sloppily. As Annie enters, the accordion doors, a pair of twin girls emerge. She watches them leave until a voice causes her to turn back. As the accordion doors slowly close, she spies Draco sitting with Pansy Parkinson, her arms wrapped around his elbow as if chaining him. And sitting across of them is Theo and Blaise

"Bloody hell, the girl's a menace" winced Blaise, Pansy was like a constant pain in his arse. Always there to bite. She refused to leave no matter how many times they told her to fuck off, including Draco sometimes. She just wouldn't budge

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