Chapter 31: The First Heist

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The Rats grouped together as Karsien called a meeting, each of us taking a position around the old map of Fiachra. Wade gave Karsien a brief overview of whatever he'd found, leaving the finer details to our leader.

Karsien narrowed his eyes behind his mask, observing a spot on the map.

I'd only seen his face beneath the mask once.

"For those who are unaware," Karsien said, clearly indicating Toren, "We've been scouting out a supply warehouse for a while now. It's owned by a lesser-known Blood called the Ilasons." Our leader retrieved a stack of paper from the table, holding it up. "They have an unfortunate habit of withholding pay from their unadorned employees. Unfortunately for them, that little tendency is going to cost them far more than they ever saved from their pay cuts."

Karsien's grin was savage.

I ruminated a bit over Hofal's words from a few minutes earlier. The man had a way with his stories and comforts, but I didn't want to wait. I didn't have the time to set my 'little blocks.' Each day blithe continued to poison the lives of everybody I knew.

Karsien started going over the plan for the infiltration, drawing me from my introspection. It was standard procedure and something I had reviewed a dozen times before. Instead of tuning into our leader, I covertly measured our new member.

Toren was a good mage, but he'd make for a poor thief. He didn't even look over the people he was with, checking the value of their goods. Being a good thief wasn't just about how fast and quiet you were like Kars told him. It was about seeing what was valuable.

Part of me was thankful for the help he'd given us a week ago. While Hofal and I would've gotten out of our predicament just fine because of our trump card, his assistance ensured it.

The other part of me wondered why Karsien had invited the boy in so easily. He got a stellar recommendation from Auntie Greahd, true, but that didn't mean we let him into the Cistern on the same day he joined. Karsien rarely trusted me like he ought to. I was second-in-command, according to him. But he hadn't even briefed me on Toren's admittance into our band.

That might've been why I went so hard on him in our spar.

I settled myself. I shouldn't question Karsien. My mentor knew best about these kinds of things.

"--And so Toren will be joining you on your mission," Karsien finished saying, startling me to attention.

"What was that?" I asked, unsure.

"Toren will be joining you and Hofal as an additional backup," Karsien repeated. "The Bloods are on high alert for us already, as evidenced by their attempt to capture you a week ago. Another fighting mage will be reassuring."

I shoved down a vehement refusal. It had taken a month to get Karsien to let me on a job, and only after I had proven myself. I had earned that trust.

"But he's only just joined," I said instead, trying to work from a logical angle. "Wouldn't it make sense for Toren to get some more practice in first before attempting this?"

"He won't be there to help you steal," Karsien elaborated. "But to protect. You're right that he doesn't have enough experience with stealing to make a difference."

"And I can muffle your steps," Toren said from the side. "I might not be that great at picking locks, but if you'll never make a note with me nearby." He raised a foot, then brought it down hard on the bricks. The impact made no sound.

Another rune? I thought, incredulous. How many did he have?

I'd seen Toren use a fireball, telekinesis, coat his arms in fire, some sort of sound explosion, body strengthening, a shield over his arms, and now this. It was astounding.

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