"You are a fake.. nothing is real about you.. your just like your mother." He whispered before taking out his blade and tossing her off the tower. 

Endex backed up, getting a running start before leaping out of the tower, catching Blake midair and held her close to him as they tumbled down into the inner courtyard. A pile of hay caught their fall, but they continued to slid across the hard stone brick pathway. Once on the ground, Endex loosened his grip on Blake and laid in exhaustion, while he listened to Blake let out a soft giggle.

"My hero.." She muttered.

Endex shook his head, sitting up and he began eyeing her wounds.

"We gotta get you to the castle." He said.

"Don't bother.. I don't vish to die on de back of horse.." Blake muttered, laying on her back.

"If we hurry we can make it-"
"Niet.. Dere isn't dat much time to spare.."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Endex asked, feeling terribly guilty.

"Just.. stay with me.. until I fall asleep.." She muttered to him.

"Sure.." Endex smiled, taking off his helmet, setting it aside before gently holding the frail cat's paw.

"Endex.." She muttered.

"Yeah?" Endex replied.

"Did you ever realize how pretty de stars vere?" Blake asked.

Endex looked up to the stars, watching as the clouds started to dissipate and the beautiful night sky appeared filled with stars.

"I always loved the stars.." Endex said.

The sudden creaking of a large pair of doors opening peeked Endex's interest. He looked over seeing his friends rushing over to him. 

"I never imagined it'd be dis beautiful.." Blake muttered.

Endex frowned, "Please tell me you brought it.." He pleaded.

"I did.. but.." Soosie frowned.

"But what?" Endex asked.

"Endex there isn't enough to heal her.. there may be enough to slow down the process but she will still... die.." Soosie explained.

"Dammit!" Endex exclaimed, slamming his fist on the ground. 

From behind him, Blake's shaky paw reached to grab his hand. He turned around to look at her seeing a warm smile.

"Tis ok.. Don't be sad.." Blake said.

"Blake!" Cheshire exclaimed, floating over to his daughter.

"Ba.. you're alright.." Blake smiled, feeling her father's fluffy face.

"Vhat vere you thinking? You veren't being careful.." Cheshire scolded her.

"I'm sorry ba.. I just.. I couldn't watch you suffer anymore.." Blake said before covering her mouth to cough.

"Guys!" Nari hollered.

"Nari!" Akira and Fuwa exclaimed.

"What happened?" Nari asked.

"Move." Soosie said, kneeling down to coat her wounds with the antidote.

Endex moved aside, but the sound of metal boots alerted all of them. The King emerged from the shadows, walking with his spear in hand.

"You.." Endex growled.

"Ah.. the cat lives.." He smiled.

"Give her the cure you sick bastard!" Endex exclaimed, standing up and prepared to draw his sword.

"And what makes you believe I will? Or if I even have it?" He smiled.

"Don't play dumb with de boy! You have it! You used it on me after I'd preform your little experiments." Cheshire growled, floating beside Endex.

The King chuckled, "The antidote will not be provided.. unless.. you are willing to make a trade.."

"What do you want?" Nari asked sternly.

"Well.." Cheshire eyed the King's language in movement and the way he walked toward them.

Following his prediction, the King swiftly rose his spear preparing to strike Endex's cracked chestplate. Cheshire blinked in front of them, setting a magic bubble around them, teleporting the group elsewhere. The group kept there eyes closed until the bubble disappeared. Endex opened his eyes and the cat was no longer in front of him. He saw autumn colored walls with trinkets and antiques on desks and tables, paintings and a large mirror to his left. He brought his arm down and looked around in confusion.

"What.. the hell?" Akira muttered, looking around the room.

Hearing Blake groan and cough, gained Endex's full attention.

"Where are we?" Fuwa asked, poking what appeared to be a stuffed deer bust on the wall.

Nari peaked out of the nearby window, looking out to a crowded harbor. 

"Oh no.." Nari muttered.

"What?" Akira asked.

"I'm really starting to hate those words.." Endex sighed.

"We're.. not in Wonderland anymore.." Nari said.

"What?" They said in unison.

Akira, Fuwa, and Endex peaked out the window and looked at the harbor.

"We're on Amsterdam Westpoort, in the Netherlands.. In my world." Nari said.

Its not the end

Story by Blake Xiaolius


TLWEndex - Twitter/Twitch

FuwaHanakishi - Twitter/Twitch

Narimante7 - Twitter/Twitch

AkiraTenshi - Twitter/Twitch

MidNightMoon22/Soosie - Twitter/Twitch

Blake Xiaolius - Twitter/Twitch

Thank you for reading :3

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