With Midoriya and Mia who then went down a hall that spilt into two. "okay everyone if your doing stratagy part please go to where cementos. if your going into costume design please go to where midnight is and tech please go to power loader." Midoriya went to cementos and Mia went to midnight.

Both where lead away for their exams and told that Midoriya had to come up with a plan for a raid and an analysis off a pro hero of their choice. Mia's exam was to sketch a new costume and make a practical hero costume with one of five fabrics. while Toga and Isis had to write a paragraph on how they would market a watch. all these tests would only last for an hour.

But with the three they were walking around the school when they bumped into three people and all fell down with what they were carrying scattering everywhere. "ugh sorry about that." The rangers apologised "No no its our fault we weren't looking where we were going." They began gathering their things and stood up. "I think introductions are an order then." Said Yoshi. "Hi my name is Yoshi." "Names Ty." "It's a pleasure to meet you my name is Howl"
"Oh than my name is Mirio this is Tamaki." "And I am Nejire it's nice to meet you. But why are you wandering around ua since your very obviously not ua students."

"oh we're waiting on our friends to finish their exams but it will take some time." "Oh do you know a person called Izuku Midoriya?" Asked Nejire. "Yes he's our friend why?" Responded a Ty with his eyebrows arching. "He is the one who is helping us train and is on a recommendation from all might."

"Yea he mentioned that he was recommended from a pro but not the number one. wait here let me help you." Ty then grabbed some of the things taking the weight off neijre "oh thank you." she said "oh where our manners." Yoshi and Howl both took some of the stuff off the people they were facing. "Here lets help each other out since we'll be a while. now where do we need to go." Said a tired Howl

When they arrived at the teachers office and were sitting down on a sofa their. chatting when a ring tone went off that the rangers became familiar with. "lets rock it." the rangers were very alert. Yoshi quickly pulled out their phone for the two to see and opened the message from Min.

"biobot at the station nearby." The message read. "Hey sorry but we got to go and it was lovely talking to you." Ty said before they rushed off to find somewhere to teleport. say hi to Midoriya for us. they hid out of sight of a camera and teleported away.

they appeared at the station with their morphers at the ready. They pressed the buttons and they flashed in their colours. when the flash disappeared they appeared morphed.

they drew the elesaber and were ready to fend off the scoundrels. "ready!" red said. "Ready!" the other two replied. they leapt into action and began to fight off the scoundrels.

They swiftly destroyed the scoundrels an armoured warrior appeared that looked like a mix between a roman solider and gladiator with a strange arm in the shape of a six pointed rhombus sending out pulses that were visible. it also had a very familiar sword that they recognised immediately as the sword biobot that got away. hey do you think?

"We meet again rangers I am gladiator you shall soon face my wrath." It then charged and began to fight the rangers. The rangers began to fend it off both sides being even.

red used their shield to block an attack from gladiator. yellow then used their elesaber to slice the arm while blue used a water blade at the opposite side. gladitor blocked the waterblade with the strange pulse that was a shield kicked yellow away and then changed the attack.

the biobot they leapt away and teleported to who knows were. "Lets get out of here." said yellow noticing the heroes running their way and activating their quirks.

power ranger elemental beasts (an mha x power rangers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now