He seemed to have a soft smirk on his face.
"You wish for me to sit by your side?"
His voice still sounded soft and quiet, only slightly teasing.

"Well, yes." She said now turning to look at him.

A tiny blush was on his cheeks, the cold breeze seemed to give him goosebumps.
"I'm rather flattered that you want me by your side."
His voice was soft and quiet, though this time even his tone teased the girl.
Regulus slowly leaned his head back against the railing, his eyes staring at the sky as well.
His hair was messy, and the cold breeze danced across his skin.
He kept his arm on the railing, his elbow just inches away from hers.

"Flattered by me?" April asks genuinely surprised. Watching his every move her blond locks blowing freely.

A smirk crossed his lips, eyes still staring at the sky. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.

"Yes, flattered by you Miss Ravenclaw." His voice had a soft tone as if it was a warm filling her insides.

"That's nice to hear Mr Slytherin."

"Your very nice, even to me?" He said sounding like more of a question on why someone would be nice to him.

"I'm always nice" she said turning to face him her legs in a basket.

"How can you be nice to people you hate?" He turned to look at her. He found his self staring for to long before turning away in attempts to hide the blush on his cheeks.

But she saw

"I may be nice to everyone, it doesn't mean I like to be," a small smile forming on her face "I like being nice to you."

The slightest pink glow appeared on his face, although the wind was still making it difficult to see if it was just a shadow.
His face looked almost surprised, like he wasn't completely expecting the words she just said.

He took a small breath, then raised his eyebrows slightly.
"Interesting... You're saying you like being nice to me?"

His tone seemed slightly amused, yet he only had a soft smile on his face.
He sounded curious, his voice slightly lower in pitch than usual.

This time her smile grew,
"People with nice hearts are nice to be nice to."

"And people with hearts not worthy of kindness?"
Regulus sounded intrigued by this statement she had just spoke.

He tilted his head, trying to understand you.
"If I didn't have a nice enough heart, wouldn't you be rude to? Or would you still be nice?" His heart beat a little faster as he tried to find the courage to be bold.

Be like Sirius

"Are you nice to me for my kindness, or for something else?"

A blush had now formed across her cheeks making Regulus feel accomplished.
"They're not worthy of be nice to they are worthy of being tolerated, as for you I just like being nice to you."

"You like being nice, to me" he repeated slowly under his breath sounding slightly amused.

He let out a beaming smile completely taking away his guard.
"You don't dislike me?" His voice now soft like he didn't understand, "Are you saying you enjoy my conversation?"

"I believe so" He seems surprised by her answer and begins to fiddle with his fingers.

"So you enjoy my company?" He spoke leaning closer to the April. His grey eyes focused on the girl no smile but genuine curiosity for the girls answer.

"Yes your like a book waiting to be read, each page more intriguing than the next." A smile lay on her lips as she looked at him.

A soft smile spread across his face revealing that he wasn't to tough as he seemed.
"And what makes me an intriguing book?" He says now leaning closer to the girl his gentle breaths kissing her face.

There gazes were fixed on each other trying to decide what to do next.

Lifting her hand gently April gently runs her thumb down his bottom lip.

His eyes locked to hers as she touched his lip all his senses focused on her hand. His face was slightly red.

His head tilted slightly.
"Your hand is still on my cheek," he whispered "I don't want you to move your hand." He blurted out as if it just came out of him and he didn't mean to say it. "Please."

Something sparks inside her she can't control it.
She leans is gently brushing her lips with his before putting them together.

The kiss moved soft and gentle like it was to be savoured as if it was going to be taken away to fast.

Regulus felt his mind go blank as he slowly pulled away.

"What happens now?" Regulus asks the girl which makes her laugh. "Do you tell people or is it just a secret shared with two strangers and the stars.?"

She stands from her seat next to Regulus.
"A secret shared between two strangers and the stars." She walks over to the stairs.

He stands abruptly from the seat,
"Hey Miss Ravenclaw, I don't know your name."

With one turn back she locks eyes which Regulus.

"That's because it's a secret with the stars and I" she continues to walk away, "Goodnight Regulus."

And there Regulus stood with no idea of the girls name, and nobody would know about that night they shared just,

Two strangers and the stars.


1504 words

Hello loves,

I really hope you enjoyed this one shot it's just a cute bit of fluff

If your confused her name is April just Regulus doesn't know it cause he's always around with slytherins.

the secret with the strangers and the stars. ~ regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now