Chapter 28: What Will You Call Him?

Start from the beginning

It makes Anakin feel depraved just to silently want him, so righteous and holy, as though his filthy lust could somehow desecrate his Master’s divinity.

He is too pure. Too sacred.


The word’s sweet poison pours into Anakin’s veins, and that is how desire becomes sin . And here he is, the Devil’s poor apprentice, praying to him to take his twisted soul. It deserves to burn in Sith hell after all.

Don’t touch him.

Don’t look.

Anakin’s fingers dig into the sheets with a death grip.

He is not for you.

Look away.

He is trying but he can’t bear it. His gaze is drawn back to the fallen angel before him.

“…Unallowed to touch. Unable to look away. Doomed to suffer for his sins for all eternity..." his memory supplies unhelpfully.

That poor demon from the book. Anakin knows he is no better than him now.

He huffs humorlessly, shaking his head.

He is being dramatic again, isn’t he? With all the dusty metaphors from ancient manuscripts.

Master would definitely tease him for it if he knew what he was thinking about right now.

No , Anakin. Master would definitely… recoil in horror and disgust if he knew.

Because why, why are you being like this?

Do you have to stare?

Do you have to be creepy?

You promised to watch over him, not watch him , remember?

Anakin grits his teeth and clenches his fists in his Master’s sheets with frustration.

Turn away.

Let him sleep.

Do not touch.

Do not look.

Do not think.

With a truly inhuman effort, Anakin makes himself let go of his Master’s bedding and presses his palms to his own burning face instead, covering the hungry gold of his eyes.

The Darkness hisses angrily around him.

Let us watch! We must watch!

“No,” Anakin whispers brokenly, shaking his head. “No, go away.”

Let us look at him one more time!

The Darkness wails like a hurt beast.

“No.” Anakin keeps shaking his head with stubborn determination. “You are disgusting. You are an insult to everything he is.”

But I am you!

The Darkness coils around him like a huge snake, as if trying to constrict him, but Anakin very pointedly ignores it.

“I am one with my Master, he is with me. Wherever I go, his Light goes with me…” he whispers, whispers – quickly, fervently – and the Darkness recedes, yielding to the power of his prayer.

If only his forbidden desire would do the same. If only he could just meditate it away like some annoying thought. But no. It is too deep. It’s in his very bones. It’s in his blood, making it boil and run hotter than lava in his veins. Melting him from the inside.

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