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I already knew about the pictures of Freen and I kissing that's trending on social media. But I didn't pay much attention to it.

No matter what you do, people will talk and so I just ignored the entire situation.

No one dared to confronted me but everyone swamped Freen. They hovered over her every minute of the day raining insults on her.

I felt bad for Freen but before I could say or do anything, she explained to everyone that the picture was not recently taken.

"It's was taken before our Break-Up" she said. She also explained that Lamon was the one who took the picture.

"Lamon was there with us. He took the picture. Why don't you ask Becky and Lamon, instead of painting this awful image of me in your heads?" She screamed at the crowd of students.


I was dumbfounded by her explanation. Yes, it's true that the picture was taken before our Break up and yes it is true that Lamon took the photo.

But I didn't tell her about the photo and I'm sure Lamon didn't tell her either.

Soo... If she lost her memory, how did she come to know about that?

How can she remember something that happened within the time frame which she claimed to have forgotten?

Has she been lying all this while? Did she lie about losing a memory, just to get away from me?

Come to think of it, the first time she came to my house, she knew where the kitchen was and where my bedroom was without me telling her.

And she even knows my allergies. But these are things she shouldn't have remembered.

Now, she's talking about this picture. Anyone could have guessed that the picture was taken while we were still dating but how did she know that Lamon took the picture.

Lamon left Wellington Gold before she resumed after her accident so she's not supposed to remember him. Yet she remembers that he's my friend and the one who took the picture.

Many things have been occuring, and I just saw them as coincidences. But there's no way knowing this much would be coincidental.

I ran after Freen, screaming her name but she won't stop and just ran off.


I went to her dorm to look for her but she wasn't there. I waited for hours until it was late at night yet she didn't return.

I know that my actions hurt her. I promised her that I'd stand by her but I broke my promise.

Wait! why am I thinking about that? There's someone watching me. The pictures sent to me on that very day, made it clear as day, that the spy is way closer than I thought.

How could that person have know that I went to see Freen. The picture sent to me were taken within that same hour it means the person was right there watching us.

Who could this person be? Why can't I seem to figure out the identity of the spy?

I should think about protecting Freen and not loving her. I won't be able to live with myself if anything happens to her.

The daughter of my bodyguard (Freen&Becky)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu