The three of you listening to her words silently acknowledged the new presence of the man in question behind her, listening to her words along with you. You probably should have stopped her but, honestly, you wanted to see how it was going to play out. Call it a sadistic amusement; it was about time you had something new to tease her about.

"I mean, this Alvez could be a real loner type. Somebody could've done a real number on this guy - an ex, maybe," she continued while you looked apologetically at the smirking man behind her - you, JJ and Spencer hid your laughs. "I mean, no doubt the army taught him order and discipline, but a desk like this could mean he has commitment issues."

It was only then that she looked up, locking her eyes with yours where you silently communicated with her, glancing over her shoulder.

"He's right behind me, isn't he?"

"Luke Alvez, meet Emily Prentiss," JJ laughed.

"Hey- hey, nice to meet you," she stumbled out which only made the laugh you tried to quell spill out.

"Emily and Y/N used to be part of the team, and now they're co-chiefs for Interpol in London," JJ explained. "They agreed to help us out while Hotch is off on TDY and Lewis works on her research."

"Nice to meet you," you smiled at him, still amused at the nervousness on Emily's face and the annoyed look she threw your way.

"We're on temporary duty, so we'll be in and out - we'll be working on and off. We're on today - obviously," she stuttered out, only making you and the other two hide your amusement behind your hands. "I'm really happy we could, uh, come back, you know, and help - truth be told, it's pretty hard to resist putting the band back together again. So - yeah - we're here to help."

"Well, we have a lot on our plate," he answered her. She was obviously relieved by the sight of Penelope approaching with another case and she hurried off in the direction of the briefing room.

"She's not usually like that," you laughed to Luke. "Well, she is, but it's usually more subtle."

"No worries," he laughed. "Nice to officially meet you, I've heard great things. And - if it's alright with you - I wanna keep her hanging a little. Maybe feign offense at the whole profiling thing."

"That can be arranged," you returned laughingly.

"Hey Garcia," Emily spoke as you all walked in to meet her in the briefing room, you could tell she'd taken a moment to compose herself under the amused gaze of JJ before heading in. And, she waited for you considering it was a big deal for you both to be back here.

"You really are here, it's a dream come true," she gasped before crushing you both in a hug. "Have you met Luke Alvez?"

"Oh, yeah, we just met," she answered, avoiding his eyes with nothing more than an awkward and apologetic smile directed his way.

"Oh my God, that was mortifying," Emily grumbled to you once you finally had a moment away, lingering beside the coffee pot where you poured yourself a mug and prepared a tea for her.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad," you smirked.

"I called him a non-commital loner and he heard every word," she groaned. "It's not really the ideal first impression.

"It was a little funny, though," you returned, earning a harsh look in response. "Listen, it'll be fine. So what if he hates you for profiling him, he might not be committed enough for it to last."

"I hate you," she giggled, gesturing for you to follow her back to the others.

Hours later, after a progression in the case, the pair of you as well as Luke were on a stakeout. You sat in the back seat, bored out of your mind with only the awkward tension coming from Emily as a scarce source of entertainment.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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